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  1. Name: Citroen HY Van (1971) Date Added: 24 January 2017 - 01:32 PM Owner: Saoul91 Short Description: Catering van conversion - original 1.9 petrol engine Aka: the tin can, blue can, the Anderson shelter. http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/uploads/garage_images/image_url-95218-1485264777_thumb.jpg View Vehicle
  2. Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and my blue tin can - Jean Claude! He is a 1971 HY Van catering conversion, myself and my partner have owned him for a few months and are just starting out in the classic Citroen life!! I myself am already part of the classic mini scene so some of my knowledge of the A-series engine will lend it's hand to the HY engine, I'm sure! I've already had a disagreement with the van about the spark plugs (they're not supposed to be split in half!! :( ) Are there any other HY's on here?? Say hi if you are!! :lol: :lol:
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