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  1. I forgot to mention that I live in Greece. Service is not a priority from Citroens side here..... Would this notice be in the computers here too ?? /a
  2. I had my C4 in for service, and they will not do anything for the squeeking brakes. They clame it is a "Citroen thing". The service personel actually told me to buy another brand of brakepads for the noise to stop. With my guarranty running out this week I can not see another solution to my problem. I bougth a Citroen and now I have to live with it....... /algot
  3. algot

    C4 Sounds!

    :D you guys are sooo boring......
  4. algot

    C4 Sounds!

    Hello again..... not to many people are interested in the anoying sound when they are not wearing the seatbelt..... anyone has an idea how to get rid of the sound???
  5. Hi all again! Thanks for all your input on my previous topic! Anyone out there knows if you can change the ticking sound for the legt/right indicatirs?? (not very important but I want to know) Second, can you bypass the sound the car makes when you are not wearing your seatbelt?....it is very disturbing ...I am not going into the moral of not wearing your seatbelt.....just want to know if there is a bypass I can do..... /thanks again //algot
  6. my parents drive Mercedes Benz..."MB" to get back to my folding seat problem......they just called me from the dealership saying that I am welcome to come and test the C4 seats they have in the showroom to verify that ALL C4's has this problem.... with other words.....the car seats are by me designed with inbuilt fault. Do all of you guys have the same problem with C4 Coupe? Does that not frustrate you?? Is there something I can do????? /please help algot
  7. Mat ! I have the same problem on my door. The wind caught the door one day and blew it open, after that it does not align properly. The service people said that they aligned the door again.....but it does not shut like a MB door..... quality..... /algot
  8. The story is long.... After beeing not satisfied with the answers from dealership here in Greece, I went to the citroen website and filled out a form to get some answers. A second later, my inbox got an return of the email saying that the Greek email adress does not exist!! So I sent the same form to France. This morning a person from the general import here in Greece called me and sounded little disturbed that I contacted France.... However, he had read my message, he had spoken to the dealership personnel, and he still had not figured out what is the problem with the seat!! He has promised to get back to me when he has some answer..... I explained to him that 8 out of 10 times the seat does not fold back to its original position.....the question is....why does it work 2 out of 10 times?? (by the way it get s stuck like Mat says like this |_ .....to be continued.......
  9. I live in Greece and have bought a C4 Coupe. Except from other minor problems I have two others that the dealership says that they can not fix!! First, the brakes are squeeking when I back up and brake. Is this normal? Should the dealership fix this problem?? Does anyone have any data where citroen say that they will fix the brakes?? The answer from here was that "All C4 have the same problems......sorry dude" Second, when a passenger climbs out of the rear seat, the seat does not fold back to it's previous position. -Should'nt it?? Do you have the same problem?? Is it fixable?? I got the same answer from the dealership...."All C4 have the same problem....blah, blah, blah....... I don't want to make a fuss but we are talking about a BRAND NEW CAR !!! Thank you all for your help /pierre the greek C4 dude
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