Hi all, Got into my Xantia yesterday, turned the key and the starter motor turned and then gradually slowed to nothing. I obviously jumped to the conclusion that the battery is flat (it is possible that i may have left the lights on for some time the day previously, but i had used the car since with no problem). Having taken the battery out of the car and left it on charge all night, i put it back in this morning and theres nothing at all when i turn the key. Is there something i need to do with the immobilisor to reset it? Found one post on here about locking the doors for 5 minuits but that didn't work. Or could it be the starter motor, at the risk of sounding thick where is mounted it on this car and when i find it can i try the old whack with a hammer to free it if it is this? Guess the main suspect has to remain the battery, maybe my chargers not working properly or the battery's just had it, but it looks quite new. Just want to exhaust any other "free" possibilities before i spend money i havn't got on a new battery. Incidentally, lights come on and radio etc works so theres enough power for that, theres just one click when io turn the key and nothing else? Any helps appreciated