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Everything posted by watermeade

  1. Just done my N/S dip and as the clip came out I had no idea how it went back and using an inspection mirror didnt help,so found these pics that might help anyone else it refers to a C5 but the fittings appear the same:- http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64066 headlights
  2. Same here,my clutch sensor was found to be the fault as well.
  3. Ok,Thanks for that I will bear it in mind when it goes for its service. Well the recent spell of good weather rather proves that temperature is a factor as it was 26 degrees the other day and I could hardly hear the engine even from startup,and it running like a dream.
  4. Re:Ride. I had a Laguna before this and compared to that,Driving the C4 over anything but a nigh on perfect road is akin to driving over a ploughed field (no I am not kidding) I suspect you could drive over a fag paper and feel it,but on the Motorway it is an ok ride,but over manholes or slight depressions it makes me just that....depressed..
  5. To be honest I think mine would be quiet if it was kept in a garage overnight,as I suspect the ambient temperature would be higher.Unfortunately I have more chance of becoming Pope than getting my car in due to all the CR4P in there ...Now where`s me Mitre gone...
  6. Oh yes,funnily enough it sounds worse inside the car,from outside it seems quite quiet,even in a multi storey car park where you would expect the sound to be amplified due to the reverb.Today it has been 15 degrees and apart from the initial startup noise it has been been nearly silent,and is coming from the camshaft area,if I lift off the throttle it goes quiet but put a bit of throttle on and it comes back.As I said I am certain that it can be put down to the oil viscosity/ambient temerature and have decided to stop worrying about it.
  7. I have noticed that it is very temperature sensitive,below a certain temperature it sounds like a Diesel ,nigh on all day,but on a warm day like yesterday which was around 15 degrees it was noisy on initial start up but this decreased after a few miles until it was barely audible,but around 10 degrees it is very noisy most of the time,so I have concluded it is due to the oil viscosity and decided to stop worrying about it.Also I have complained (on here) about the ride being hard,and I have noticed I get a (marginally) better ride on a warm day.I was wondering if the fluid (or gas) in the shockers may be more fluid when warm and this would account for it.Any thoughts ...
  8. My Cruise control started playing up and clutch switch was indeed found to be the problem,and was changed.I can now hear the microswitch operate if I depress the clutch a tad,which it didnt before.
  9. Thanks for the replies Guys, Much appreciated...
  10. I had this,I had done 9k with 11k to a service and the spanner came on,and I had to have some new FW installed,that appears to have fixed it
  11. Hi, Can I ask if any members with a 1.6 petrol consider their engines to be noisy please. On a cold morning my sounds not unlike a diesel,I am guessing it is the hydraulic tappets pumping up,but it takes a good 5 - 10 mins fo the noise to reduce and even then if I drive with the stereo off I can hear a constant ticking,is this normal or have I got a problem ? i.e are these engines noisy or have I got a cam/tappet/spring problem. TIA...
  12. Just for update,it has been in today and had a firmware upgrade and this appears to have solved the problem.. :blink:
  13. Thanks KfK
  14. I have started having a problem,My service light is on despite the fact it has only done 8900 miles,it says and my service interval is 20000 miles.It says -100 before I turn the key.I have had it into Autoworld this morning and they have reset the service light,got in it tonight to go and pick my Wife up and it has reverted back to the same,apart from it saying -50 now.As I was passing I dropped in and they want me to bring my spare key and my card,and are talking about a SW upgrade,Any ideas ?
  15. I found I had a terrible moaning sound eminating from the passenger side- but strangely it dissapeared when the Missus got out :blink:
  16. Just to add my two pennyworth,I had the farting back end on mine when I first got it,if you pressed down ever so slightly on the back it would let out a low groan,this now appears to have dissapeared,and I did have a cracking noise coming from the front n/s when I hit potholes,manholes etc but mentioned it on a recall and it seemed to dissappear with apparently no intervension,as I have mentioned on other post my suspension is hard enought to loosen fillings,but have just had to use a hire car to go to London in and guess what turned up a C4 SX 1.6 petrol the same as mine!! but on an 06 plate with 10k on the clock,and to my suprise I found this had all the same (faults) foibles as mine - hard suspension,rough tickover at the lights and about the same petrol comsumption,so have concluded mine must ok ( in a warped kind of way)
  17. Thanks for the input guys,I feel a little better knowing mine is not the only one,and it appears to be a trait,I shall just have to live with it :unsure:
  18. Just to add I have also noticed that it is not as evident when the car is first started,I presume that the ECU is putting a richer mixture in to emulate a choke ?
  19. I cannot help feel that it is running rough,feel being the operative word as I can feel the engine sort of missing through my feet,like when you are sat at the light with your foot on the brake pedal,so much that now I put the handbrake on (prob like I am supposed to) :( If it (as it appears ) not to a known proplem I willput up with it,but as I understand you to be a Citroen techie,my original question was aimed at you
  20. Ok,thanks for the advice guys,I thought that probably was the case,but didnt wish to give them cause to wiggle out of any future warranty claim I might make.Also whilst I have your attention,I posted a while ago about my tickover being a bit rough and erratic,I just wondered if anyone elase had cause to complain about the same thing,and would it be possible to alter is or is it (as I suspect) set in firmware at the factory,or could the garage up the tickover a tad via their computer,although they told me last time that they could change the throttle body which sounds like a long job,any ideas? p.s its a 1.6 petrol.....
  21. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get you brake pads replaced,by one of the quickfit/charlie brown wallahs and not affect your warranty,or indeed DIY ?
  22. Well judging by the amout of Icelandic Greys around where I live,I would have said that was the most popular,At on point a couple of weeks ago,there was mine,one 4 cars in front and one came the other way towards me (I actually thought that that one was the one in front that had gone round the rouderbout and had doubled back) but no, the other was still in front when we got to the junction.
  23. Re: the knocking noise.I was getting a loud cracking noise from the front N/S wheel when I was turning right and giving a bit of welly.In fact the first time it happened it was that loud that I thought the CV joint had gone, it then went on to manifest itself as I went over pot-holes,man hole covers etc.I mentioned it on one of the recalls and the mech said he could not find anything amiss,but it has not done it since then.Must have had `Healing Hands` :)
  24. Thank you kind Sir,If I remember rightly you can get serial numbers for parts like brake pads etc.I stumbled across it on a news group, someone was looking to see if his radio was MP3 enabled or not and someone pointed him at this site.I think it is supposed to be for dealers but what the hey,they can only block you (not kill you) :)
  25. just got mine back from the FW upgrade,I had a chat with the tech who did it and asked him about the rough tickover,he says that he had dl a patch to fix it and if that did not cure it he was talking about a new throttle body.I dont think the patch has worked cos it still feels rough though.
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