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  1. I presume you were towed in as a result of a call to Citroen Assist. Did they not tell you that if you are 'recovered' you need to make a second phone call to them they will arrange a free loan car through a car hire company? All part of the deal with Citroen Assist. Part of my deal anyway. My Citroen Assist is through Green Flag.
  2. nn

    Power Steering

    Hi Mark Sorry to read your news. Guess I was lucky with my speed sensor last week. Could they get the bit you need from another garage? Its something my dealer mentioned. Just a thought. Might be worth a try. Unless you like your loan car! @nn
  3. nn

    Power Steering

    Yep, Toblerone, thats what I was taught. They said keep moving - rather than stop - if you can. Like you, I passed first time and didnt have any faults. From what the Dealer said to me today though, we need to pass a new C3 test. Would I recommend a C3? Yes I would - despite the niggles. Let us know if you decide to get one.
  4. nn

    Power Steering

    Sorry to hear about that, I hope they can sort if out quick for you. Unlike you, I didnt get any warning lights but luckily it happened 10 mins away from the dealer so I took it straight there and got it diagnosed on the spot. The sensor arrived in 24 hrs as promised and its now been fitted and they have just delivered the car back to me - so I've not driven it yet. 'Cos of the short notice they did not have time to look at the clutch today but they did say a C3 needs to be driven 'differently' to other cars because of the sensors!!!!!!!! Whats that all about? Soooooooooo, no stalling, no holding car on bite . . . . .
  5. I don't think my rattle comes from any of these places. The front bumper and the grill feel as though they would come off in my had if I gave them a gentle tug and I've starting to think this is the cause of my rattle. This will be added to the list when it goes in for the sensor thingy.
  6. nn

    Power Steering

    Thanks everyone - you have all been really helpful. I think what I do with my clutch is not unreasonable given steep and tricky junctions in heavy traffic, and I'm now convinced I have a problem. It is always worse in warm weather too!! Good point though about making the thing smell as a 'warning'. Perhaps someone knows?????? As regards the sensor, I was told it is located at the back of the gearbox (yes, some girlies do listen to what they are told) and that the steering failed because the sensor had failed - not t'other way round. Car has been OK today but I will have the sensor changed - the Dealer said it was a known problem and they have seen it on some cars at the pdi stage!. Thanks again. @nn
  7. nn

    Power Steering

    Thanks Alan There's lots of steep hills where I live and I would agree it's become a 'conscious' habit I have got into - not using the handbrake. (Because they never work). In fact I've often prided myself on being able to hold the car on bite without roll-back on a near vertical hill! Previous cars have coped well and I've never had a clutch problem (but perhaps the next owners have!!!!!). I must kick the nasty habit. Still not sure why it should affect my power steering though. Pleased yours is still OK.
  8. Today my power steering failed. I'm told its as a result of a faulty speed sensor and one of the knock-on effects is to cause confusion in the electrics and the power steering takes on a mind of its own. It failed after I was holding the car on the clutch whilst waiting at traffic lights on a hill. There was a burning smell and when I set off the steering had failed. I often hold my car in this way (never been a problem with previous cars) - is it something I should not do? I'm a girlie and I don't know about these things . . . Can anyone help - I can't admit it to the Dealer can I? :lol:
  9. I had the same problem from new. It happened mostly when I was slowly reversing out of the garage and also when 'coasting' slowly without the brake applied. The noise on reversing was like a fingernail on a blackboard. It was seriously loud. The first dealer stripped the brakes and found nothing. Noise continued. Second dealer did the same thing - said he found nothing amiss - but it has been fine ever since. (About 8 weeks). First dealer said Citroen UK had admitted it was a known fault but they had not issued a recall. When I phoned Citroen UK they said they knew nothing about it! Also, like you, it seemed worse when warm and I had a burning smell a couple of times. But as I say, all is now cured. :lol:
  10. nn

    My C3

    Well done Mr T - you beat me to it with your comments about the bank!! :o
  11. 12,500 mile service? Is that because its a diesel? <_<
  12. nn

    C3 Suspension

    Yesssssssssss - I've got exactly the same problem (but I was trying to ignor it). I go over the same manhole covers/bumps each day and the car sounds like it is falling to bits. Its the offside front like yours. I will be very interested to hear what they have to say about yours. I might now take mine back to the dealer because they have a body shop about 400m from the 'bumps'.
  13. nn

    Windscreen Wipers

    Thanks, Organist. That explains things. However - I also read what you had to say about the rear wash-wipe when reversing (and have read about it in the hand-book) - but what do I need to do to get mine to work automatically when reversing? Hope you can help - this has been bugging me. :rolleyes:
  14. Has anyone else noticed the quirky little fault with the wipers. If you turn off the ignition whilst the wipers are still switched on, when you start up again they do not work - until you adjust the speed of the wipe. Does this happen to anyone else? :rolleyes:
  15. I had the squeeky brakes too. Big Time. First dealer failed to resolve the problem which was particularly bad when reversing out of my garage first thing in the morning. Second dealer appears to have sorted the problem - touch wood. :)
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