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  1. Thinking of buying a 2002 2.0 hdi C5 estate and was wondering what the suspension might require in regular maintenance. I live on a farm with quite a rough road leading to it. I would appreciate if anyone can tell me there are no problems when it comes to non- tarmac conditons. Confidence booster if you like on a system new to me. Cheers. KF
  2. This forum appears to be a saviour, so here is another query.. After standing a few hours in the rain a few drops of water run down inside the car alongside the passenger glovebox close to the door frame. Is it easy to find the drain pipe to allow water to escape from the sunroof channel? Some part of it must be blocked. Thanks again in advance for any help. Keith F .. 1997 Saxo VTR.
  3. Thanks for the quick response.. Just discovered a similar plastic plug vertically opposite the drain plug at the top and it too has the 1/4 turn fitting.. Don't know if I like the idea .. Hope they stay in place anyway.. Thanks again for your input. Keith F
  4. The plastic drain plug popped out of the radiator today allowing the coolant to escape. Hopefully no harm is done but the plug seems strange as it does not screw in. Is it a bayonet type fitting ? It locates and turns 1/4 turn clockwise ans appears secure and watertight. Please advise if this is a common fitment on the saxo. And if 1/4 turn is correct..Thanks in advance.. 1997 Saxo VTR
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