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Everything posted by jimmpad

  1. Hi I have just sorted this out. As posted the ignition switch was faulty. The way I have fixed it, if you locate the white cable block from the ignition switch & take a feed from the white wire, solder a small length of cable & then locate the brown cable block this is the feed to your heater fan, turn on the ignition & turn on the fan to max & with the not yet soldered end of the wire you have just fitted, poke it in to one of the red wires in the brown cable block, you will know when its right as the fan will turn on. Make a note of what red wire it is and solder them together, tape up the soldered ends and hay presto it fixed.. You will note that the fan will turn off when the ignition is off just as before hi,I have just acquired a 1997 td,(basic A/C model)with a few faults,the heater one,first, fan is on all the time,heater regulator works fine,previous owner had heater problems,and had a mechanic??,fix it so that fan blows all the time,so where do I start : with ignition switch or heater swiches?. next problem heater matrix was leaking and was fixed(I am assured) by using radweld,should I be worried about matrix failing at anytime(I am) or will it last,should say my luck just now says it will fail thanks Jim
  2. what i meant about the spheres was that perhaps the system hadnt been bled after they were fitted,and could this cause the ride height to be wrong, thanks for the reply, Jim
  3. Hi I have just acquired a 1993 non turbo diesel(do not laugh), car is fine (now that resonator chamber has been replaced) one problem I have noticed is that front suspension is too high, goes up and down with lever ok,but on normal height selection it is in the high (approx)position at the frontand quite hard over bumps was thinking it would be the height correcter,but before I go down that path,anybody any other-less expensive- ideas,spheres have been changed in the last year,but I dont know if it has been high since then thanks Jim
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