Hi All Thanks for your posts! Update and More info on the meet Address Meadowhall Centre Ltd 1 The Oasis Meadowhall Centre Sheffield S9 1EP Time = 1pm approx Proposed Agenda Meet View Cars and Chat Grab some lunch and chat Shopping or possible other acitivity ie bowling and chat :) Currently got 12 definates and 15 more possibles!! Also Good news, We are such party people we now have a 2nd event that you maybe interested in. Mainly come from the interest but availability, we have now also agreed to attend Sheffield Festival of Transport on the 29th June Our Site Admin has also emailed to ask if we can be involved in the event!!, So again all welcome to either meet, some our doing both! More info on the event 29th June @ 10.30am £2 to get in although this may be wavered if they let us form a stand, will keep you in the know! Transport Event Info Thanks again Mistress Stigette :D p.s. Yes I love my car, its my 2nd Aygo and its done 15k in 6months and have had not one single problem with it!