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  1. hi, no not that. dam it is an old alarm, infa red one where you have to point it directly at the reciever. the unit it in the roof by the sunroof. and the alarm is only suspose to arm when you lock with the remote so im thinking maybe that is faulty, but not knowing what to look for, think will prob have to take garage :huh: i would imagine you having the c3, is completely diferant alarm system, 6 years on advances :)
  2. 77 isnt it, 10% extra of the speed limit?
  3. i have got a saxo vsx, thats the highest spec one of its day, only that and the vts having the standard alarm, its from 1996. i bought it a little while ago and have realised the alarm is not arming, when i lock it using the remote, the indicators are suspose to light for 2 seconds then wehn i unlock it, should flash for 2 seconds. as this is not happening, im guessing its not arming?? if i lock it with the wondow open, the wave my hand around inside 10 mins later nothign happens, im sure its not working, i just want to know if there is something i can do without taking it garage? i know you can disable the siren or interior protection, but the fact that the indicators aren't lighting says the alarm isnt working? any help at all will be much apprechiated!! cheers.
  4. i have got a saxo vsx, thats the highest spec one of its day, only that and the vts having the standard alarm, its from 1996. i bought it a little while ago and have realised the alarm is not arming, when i lock it using the remote, the indicators are suspose to light for 2 seconds then wehn i unlock it, should flash for 2 seconds. as this is not happening, im guessing its not arming?? if i lock it with the wondow open, the wave my hand around inside 10 mins later nothign happens, im sure its not working, i just want to know if there is something i can do without taking it garage? i know you can disable the siren or interior protection, but the fact that the indicators aren't lighting says the alarm isnt working? any help at all will be much apprechiated!! cheers.
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