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About w1ggz

  • Birthday 01/19/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Rodge, I'm no expert in this sort of thing but my mate had exactly the same problem with his 52 Mk4 Golf GTI. After having the wheels balanced and everything he was told that he needed his steering rack replaced (the arms could have been close to actually snapping away therefore he would lose all control over streering which is pretty dangerous). However, once this was sorted the problem still occured. He went to another garage and they told him his driveshaft needed replacing - as you mentioned (which is really expensive by the way). Once it had been replaced the problem finally went away. Someone could probably give you some better advice with this but I hope that helps. I wouldn't recommend driving the car unless absolutely necessary in case it is the steering rack, and it wouldn't be good if you were driving down the motorway at 70mph and the arms snapped. Good luck :D
  2. Okay, thanks a lot for your help!
  3. Oh right, thanks for letting me know I'll check it out now. Do you know whether they take into account whether you have Pass Plus or anything?
  4. I've kind of answered my own question here for anyone else interested - DirectLine car insurance. I've just filled in my details on their website and as the named driver and my mum as the second named driver fully comp. is £1800 and third party, fire & theft is £1400 with £150 excess. This is for a C2 1.1l Design (2004 and onwards). For a C2 Furio 1.4l it's £1800 third party, fire & theft and £2000 fully comp. This is really good, and those figures don't even take into account Pass Plus which I know for a fact they accept which will knock money of the premium (up to 30%). Looks like I'm getting my C2 now!! Now to choose a model.. Thanks :(
  5. Alright guys - I'm new here and need some advice on insurance. I've recently just turned 17 and have started having driving lessons etc. and am hoping to pass within the next few months or so. Once I've passed I'm also planning to take my Pass Plus to help with insurance. What I'm looking to buy for my first car is a Citroen C2 1.1i (2004 or later) and I don't know how to go about the insurance. Today I went on gocompare.com and my lowest quote was �3,500 fully comprehensive which is way above what I expected it to be! I'm aware that it is going to be expensive as I'm a first time driver but I was hoping it would be somewhere near the �1600-2200 mark. If I can't find an insurer which will insure me for around this then I won't be getting a C2 for my first car :( If anyone has any advice, whether to go on one of my parents insurance or who to ring etc., it will be very much appreciated! Thanks for your help.
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