I was changing my timing belt today (well, the last 2 days) slowly working my way through the manual, finding out what was what. The first time round it didnt work, timing was well out, smoked and clugged and stalled, so i fugured it was the tension or fitted wrong. So i tried again. . . Second time was going o so well, stripped it down to the belt in record time, got better control over adjustment and a much better fit . . . But then when it came to turning the front wheel, it was jammed, god knows what, crankshaft or camshaft ?? but anyways heres the really messed up bit, I decided to give it a whorl anyway, thought I should push the car a little and see if the jam unlocks, thaought about looking on the internet for some idea, naaa lets just give it a shot, so I turned the engine a couple of times. . . well quite a few, (someone out there knows whats coming next) . . . a loud kind of grinding twisting sound occoured, I had a look at the engine again and there. . a niceley bent camshaft sproket (or whatever its called). So now that youve enjoyed reading that little story, and are grinning with smugness, please, let me know. . . what have I done!!!!!! Is the camshaft shafted? is the whole engine buggered, or can it be fixed? why did it lock? and what should I have done?? aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! J please do not respond in emoicons!