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Everything posted by bigrob

  1. bigrob

    C4 Meet

    love to but I can't make the dates :rolleyes:
  2. Citroen Birmingham is OK. Service is good, but a bit crap at providing courtesy cars (vital for me, as I need it for my job) - they always seem to be double booked and want to charge for it, even for recalls!
  3. Best data I can find is for all of citroen sales (not just C4) 50,022 vehicles sold YTD to the end of June 06 in the UK, 4.03% market share, down from 52,494 at the same point last year. (data source SMMT)
  4. bigrob


    Being an anal engineer type, I have startet doing my own MPG calculations to compare to the quoted ones on the trip computer, and I have noticed that my trip computer is over optomistic by somewhere between 3.5 & 5 mpg. I am still getting just over 50mpg from it though (diesel)!
  5. Don't bank on it getting you an Insurance discount - I have a Cat 5 system on my C4 (i.e. a tracker that can be remotely imobilised from the control room) - its a great system, top spec, thatcham approved. My Insurance company told me that they don't do discount on alarms & trackers for 'vehicles as cheap as a C4'. When I asked them what they meant, they said they don't do this sort of discount on a vehicle worth less that £30k.
  6. Coupe, Diesel. I also have seen (realtively) lots of 5 doors, not many coupes. Still a fairly rare sight to see either though.
  7. Thats what I meant by 'I can't find my car in the car park' function! :blink:
  8. I think he probably means his signature (the chavs thing) - made me laugh too.
  9. bigrob

    Recall Xxj

    stuey, mine is a 55 plate VTR.
  10. bigrob

    Recall Xxj

    had mine on the weekend. must call the dealer to get it booked in...
  11. this is the 'I can't find my car in the car park' function. If you can't find it, do this, and it tries to tell you where it is! <_<
  12. bigrob

    C4 Vts

    Wozza what is the fix on the door handles? - my passenger door (3 door VTR) handle sticks out sometimes & so you can't shut the door until you push it back in. Is it take it back to the dealer again?
  13. Thats right matt, engine temp not external temp. Thinking about it, I wonder if the dealer might have done the software upgrade already and not told me - it has not done it since it had its 12,500 mile service about a month ago. I sort of miss it! Like I said, it kind of gives her poersonality! :P
  14. realy dumb question I know, but suppose for the software update I have to take it back to the dealer? I might not bother and just leave her as she is, I think it gives her 'personality'! :( :rolleyes:
  15. Is the brain of your C4 a bit flaky? it is on mine (55 plate Diesel VTR). every now and then it will suddenly decide that one or other of its functions is no longer working, and it need to be immediately taken to be serviced - this scared me the first couple of times, but I have found if you just turn off the function concerned and turn it back on, all is OK. I think the brain must have been programmed by Microsoft, and just needs rebooting every now and then! The 2 favorites are the speed limiter /cruise control not functioning (you just flick it off and back on again a couple of times and it is fine), and the temperage guage suddenley jumping from normal temperature to massively overheating instantly! (you have to turn the fan on and off again to clear this one!) Anyone else get this, or is mine 'special'?!? :(
  16. It worked great, thanks! Don't know why I couldn't do it before - I could get it to change temperature units (C /F), but not speed. done it now though! :(
  17. thanks for your help. :(
  18. thanks, but I am obviously a lot thicker than you, I have tried playing with it, but I just can't find it! Mine also came set to km/h a year ago when I got it, but I can't remember how I changed it! ARGH!!
  19. Hi I am going to be taking my C4 abroad for a holiday. does anyone know how to convert the display from MPH to KM/h, so I can easily stick to the speed limits? (rather than having to do a calculation in my head!) I can't seem to find it in the manual. thanks
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