When i got my C5 four years ago, i wrote to Haynes asking them if they had any plans of publishing a manual, but i'm afraid i got the same reply ! Mine is a 2001 model (2ltr HDI). Haynes produce the Peugeot 406 manual (book 3982), which covers the engine, and some other things are similar, which could help you get by. A word of warning though. I found someone on Ebay selling cd's, supposedly copies of the cd roms that the garages use. I bought one. Considering it only cost a few quid, i wasn't really risking anything, which is just as well. This CD was supposed to tell you everything you needed to know in minute detail. It told you bugger all ! My advice is stay well clear. I contacted the seller (who wasn't a bad chap really !), who agreed to change the wording on his advert (which he has done), but the long, short and tall of it is, you can't get the information to service this vehicle ! David R.