I have read through as many posts as have the word Sensodrive contained within it, but i am looking for the latest thoughts on a judder my car has developed. I have a 1.6 05 plate done 45K, its serviced annually to comply with a lifetime warranty(non Citroen garage) the garage i use has an ex Citroen tech and in talking to him he states there is a software fix which should greatly improve my current experience, but they can't carry it out. I have booked my car into my local Citroen Dealership (Bristol Street Motors) but the appointment is 2 weeks away, so i am hoping to canvas opinion about the process. I have been told by the garage that there is a diagnosis charge of £68 payable, but they are reluctant to confirm what happens if anything is found. I would like to understand the following; has anyone had the diagnostic checks run, had amdendments to the software implemented, what were the costs and did they see a improvement. Should Citroen be contributing to the costs? Thanks for your support