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  1. Has anybody been to service their car at the Exeter Citroen dealer? If so how did u get on, as mines due for a service in 1300miles. Many thanx in advance :D
  2. FOA POWZA, I just got a set of mats off ebay, great fit and the front drivers side has a padded part for your heels. I paid £22.21 for a set of 4, which I didn't think was too bad. the sellers name was "auto_cruise" if its any help to you or anyone else with a c4. Mines a vtr+ 110 hdi. Best car I've owned so far :D . All the best powza.
  3. just listen to Queen "it's a kinda magic" through the sound system , it'll blow you awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :lol: <_< :ph34r: :angry: :blink: :o
  4. Just got my vtr+ last week, and WOW what a sound, even plays my kids cd-r's (and mine) <_< what a result :lol: . awsome sound. I love full bass, but even on full , it is a little too much for my liking, full on bass is a bit "boomy", but set it to your personal preff and you'll find it a gr8 exp. well done citroen. :ph34r:
  5. Many thanks guys for the input. I'll probably have a few more q's later on for you technos as time goes on. Awsome quote Stuey :blink: my kids p***ed themselves laughing B) .
  6. just bought a c4 vtr plus5 dr oriental blue last wed, didn't see a c4 for weeks, then blow me down, there was excatly the same car as mine in the hotel where I work the next day ;) , spooky eh?
  7. many thanks ham's ;) nice to meet you.
  8. nice 1 syrup, many thanks for that, got one more q, what is the connection behind the front ash tray for? is it the citroen garage diagnositcs plug in point maybe?
  9. Hi all, just joined this forum tonight, nice to meet you all ;) . Just bought a c4 vtr plus 1.6 hdi, wow what a car, it's just the right size for the wife and enough toys for me :D. Just got a quickie for you, what does the little button do underneath the drivers side wing mirror ? is it a sensor or something? many thanks in advance.
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