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Everything posted by Kaytutt

  1. Thanks everyone. Yes they definately are those anti theft caps, there is a small screw on the side. I have looked in various compartments for some kind of tool but didnt really know what I was looking for, now that I know what they look like I'll have another search, otherwise its back to the dealer :lol:
  2. Here's a photo, we've tried the obvious spanner solution. Out of interest I just checked the fuel cap door and it looks like theres space for some sort of tool... which is missing http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e228/kaytutt/CIMG0906.jpg
  3. hmmm, not sure your suggestions will help. I have read somewhere that Vauxhall have been putting these reporting (or maybe they are anti-theft) valves on some of their cars and the tool to open them is kept in the petrol cap, I was thinking that what I had might be similar and thought someone might know where Citreon have hidden the tool ! Maybe I'll take a photo and it might ring a bell with someone
  4. hmmmmmm!
  5. I just upgraded my trusty P reg Citroen Xantia for an 04 C5 2.0 HDi auto and errrr.... Cant figure out how to put air in my tyres :D The valves are silver with a "nut" type cap which we cant seem to get off I know the answer is going to be very simple and I'm going to kick myself but needs must :blink:
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