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  1. Good luck with the new car - you certainly seem to have had a bellyfull of the C4. Someone mentioned the Civic Type R earlier - check out Clarkesons review of that in the Sunday Times today - he reckoned he would rather walk than drive that car again! :o :( :P
  2. Time changed successfully! Thanks Wozza - followed your instructions for my VTR+ and all is now as it should be. Called in to the dealer and they are going to look at my glovebox on Wed. - under warranty I think. I tried the D&T method of fixing the glovebox, but the problem is definately with the opener/handle thingy, its not that the door has popped off its hinges. Hopefully it will be sorted on Wed.
  3. Thanks for the advice, chaps! I will try the method you suggest D&T. Its a bit worrying if it is not covered by warranty. Cheers.
  4. I know this is daft, but can someone give me a quick guide to how you adjust the clock to allow for winter time? Look in your handbook I can hear you shout. Well I would except that the catch on my glovebox seems to have stuck shut and I can't get to my handbook cos it is in the glovebox! The handle/lever thingy to open the glove box now seems to hang at a strange angle, although I didn't force it. I'm sure I have read of others with this glovebox problem - I assume it is covered under warranty? Anyway, I would like to set my clock to show the correct time without waiting for the dealer to let me get to the handbook so any simple instructions would be most gratefully received!
  5. I know this has been commented on before in this forum, but I could really do with some advice from people who have had more experience with their C4's and with garages than I have had. I have had my 1.6 HDi VTR+ for about two and a half months now and generally been really pleased with it. Last week, however, I had three passengers in the back (none of them heavyweights - they included my 14 yr old son and 70 yr. old mother in law) and the ride was absolutely terrible. Every blemish in the road surface shot up through the whole of the car. Going over even small holes resulted in a worrying clunk from underneath. I have never felt suspension like it in my life. I took it in to my main dealer today and after keeping it all day, they said they could find no fault. They claimed to have road tested it with passengers in the back ("and they wern't little lads, one is near the 20 stone mark!") and found nothing more than a "firm ride". They said that they tested another C4 off the forcourt to compare and found that to be the same. They said that a firm ride is a characteristic of the car and not classed as a fault. My missus has a Honda Jazz, so I know all about firm rides, but my C4 is way beyond that. Is this really a common problem with this car and can I insist that they take some corrective action? I said that I will try it again and that if the experience is the same I would be back again. I also said that if this was not sorted, as they clearly have no intention of doing anything more I would contact Citroen direct (I was getting desperate at this point!) Can anyone offer any advice?
  6. I'm feeling a bit left out here. I've had my 1.6 VTR+ HDI since the end of July and have not had a single problem with it so far. Everything works fine (although the gear change from 1 to 2 is a bit hit and miss on occasions when I am not concentrating properly) with no squeaks, bangs or rumbles. Nothing has fallen off and there are no worrying signs that they are about to. Have I just been lucky so far? Am I about to wake up one morning to find all these catalogue of faults hitting me at once? I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  7. I've had my C4 for about 6 weeks now and my first impressions are very favourable. This was my first ever citroen, and I was a little wary of the reputation for problems but so far mine has been great - no squeaks, no rattles, and nothing has broken down or fallen off! It drives well and looks good. My previous car was a Megane and I didn't have any real problems with that either, so perhaps I'm just lucky! (Hope I'm not tempting fate with that comment) I'd say go ahead if you've got a good deal.
  8. powza

    Mud Flaps

    Thanks for that. It all sounds a bit complicated for me - I'll probably leave it as it is!
  9. Cheers for the comments everybody :P
  10. Right :P
  11. Just a warning for anyone thinking of getting an FM transmitter to play MP3's through their car stereo. I saw a recent advert for the Belkin TuneCast - thought this looked a cheap and cheerful way of getting round the problem. I got hold of one and gave it a try but i wouldnt recommend it, particularly if you live in a city. The bandwave (is that what you call it? bandwidth? my mind has suddenly gone blank!) in a city will probably be so crowded that you can't get a clear signal - other stations are constantly causing interference. Don't know what it would be like in the country, but here in Liverpool its a waste of space. :huh: By the way, they are still technically illegal to use in this country, although it seems this is about to change. If you look at the PC World advert for them it says in the small print that you can buy but not use them in this country! :P
  12. "But may have to have a look at changing my bulbs in future to something better and also getting rid of my orange indicators." Can you have indicators other colours than orange? Are they street legal? Never seen anything except orange I don't think! :P
  13. powza

    Mud Flaps

    Has anyone fitted mud flaps? I am tempted to pick up a pair from ebay but don't know how easy they are to fit. Do they need holes to be drilled in the bodywork or do they just clip on? I don't want to attempt anything too demanding (cos I'm crap at anything requiring any element of skill) and definately don't want to invalidate my bodywork warranty. Any idea what a dealer would charge to fit them?
  14. As I've only had my VTR+ diesel for a few weeks I am still getting to grips with all the various bits and pieces. Never having had a car with cruise control before, I am finding this really good when doing motorway driving. Does anybody know if using cruise control has any effect, positive or negative on MPG? I would have thought that if selected at 65 or 70 mph, this should maximise MPG as you are not accelerating and decelerating all the time. I haven't a clue about technical issues, however, and still don't understand why having the air con cuts your mpg.
  15. I registered at the site and got a confirmation email from a 'David Faulkner - C4 Owner'. Don't know if he has any connection with this forum.
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