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Everything posted by roystadoysta

  1. Hi, done this myself recently. Unfortunately i did the whole dash out thing. you don't have to. theres a 13mm nut and bolt that goes through the pedal box. with your head in footwell and lying on your back with feet up near seat headrest (seat reclined). don't worry about the return spring it goes back together quite easily. once the pedal drops free, release clip and pull out. replace plastic retainer and clip ( 8 pounds from citoen dealer, you probably won't need a cable) to the pedal,feed cable into retainer making sure it's fully home and locate clip. make sure the clip is correct position or cable may pull straight out when you first try it. Re-assemble. should be fairly easy, it took me three days the other way, i reckon 1-2 hours this way. good luck.
  2. Hi, got a 95 xantia petrol. the plunger for the petrol flap doesn't retreat-can't refuel. Any idea's ? Is access through rear inner wing ? Cheers roy.
  3. Hi, Have just done the dreaded clutch clip repair and had the battery disconnected for 2 days, all back together and everythings fine EXCEPT if you open a door the headlights flash for about 15-20 secs. when driving all's well but the red LED flashes all the time. there is no sound from alarm. and have never used keypad or alarm. Is there a backup battery for the alarm system ? could it be alarm reset under the bonnet and where will i find the key etc ? what will happen if i press the ultra sonics button on the dash ? any help appreciated !
  4. P.s do you have to replace the whole pipe or can it be just the o rings ? cheers
  5. New to site, 2.0 ltr petrol m reg xantia, can any one explain how the pipe/s come away from the matrix. its a horizontal pipe that possibly incorperates the bleed valve and goes to the thermostat. it all looks a bit tight and i can't see properly. is there a retaining clip ? any help much appreciated. thanks.
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