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  1. Need to replace the lambda sensor on a '99 1.6 . Does anyone know how to disconnect the plug / socket , it's green and red ? I think the red bit has to be prised out to release the green bits, does it need a screwdriver to prise it out .. it seems stuck and I don't want to snap it. thx.
  2. ok found the info. if anyone else is interested ... http://forums.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-fo...5/df82a81b.html
  3. Hi all, If I bought a used remote key , 99 Xsara 1.6, what's involved in programming it ? Also can the metal key itself be swopped over easily ? Thanks
  4. Thx Colin , looking at the Haynes manual the 1.6 has a throttle potentiometer and an idle speed auxiliary air valve , both are removable. Unfortunately it only states how to remove and refit. Is there anything to check , clean etc. ? It also advises to disconnect the battery prior to removal , is it a major problem with the ecu losing settings on the Xsara ? I have the radio code !
  5. Hi guys, Could someone have a stab at this one please? '99 1.6 runs fine, ok when cold but when hot the tickover is high - 1300 or higher. If the engine is switched off and restarted immediately it's fine for a while but after a short drive the problem returns. I haven't replaced anything yet , just wondering where to start. Anything simple to check first ? ! TIA
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