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Everything posted by stebro

  1. just worked it out i'm getting 21 mpg
  2. Hi I have a Citroen xantia 1.816v 1997 R The trouble im having is excessive fuel consumption, but not all the time. Most days it runs fine but others the engine pinks as if the timing was out? I have had it scanned by two garages one of witch was a Citroen dealer & both came back with no faults. So was wondering if any body has had this on their Citroen? Or knows what might be the fault & how I can sort this out please! Please! HELP!!
  3. Hi Have you tried to reset the suspension? At the front of your engine you will see what looks like a sphere well this is your pump at the side you will see a bolt this needs to be undone 12mm spanner (but undo ONLY A 1/4 turn) this will let all the pressure out of the system watch out as the car will drop right down to the floor when it stops hissing out air tighten it up start the car put the suspension to normal ride height let it go up and give it a drive up the road & see if that works (DON'T DRIVE UNTILL THE RED LIGHT HAS GONE OUT FIRST AS YOU WILL HAVE NO BRAKES!!!!!)
  4. Hi I have just sorted this out. As posted the ignition switch was faulty. The way I have fixed it, if you locate the white cable block from the ignition switch & take a feed from the white wire, solder a small length of cable & then locate the brown cable block this is the feed to your heater fan, turn on the ignition & turn on the fan to max & with the not yet soldered end of the wire you have just fitted, poke it in to one of the red wires in the brown cable block, you will know when its right as the fan will turn on. Make a note of what red wire it is and solder them together, tape up the soldered ends and hay presto it fixed.. You will note that the fan will turn off when the ignition is off just as before
  5. Hi i have the same fault with my heatr fan i have just put a heater fan and a heater switch in my car and it still not working looks like i will have to look at the ignition switch and YES you can take the steering shroulds off without taking the steering wheel off its a bit Awkward but can be done
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