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Everything posted by woodall001

  1. My Xsara has Aircon/Climate but even if the A/C switch is off if I turn the blower fan in any setting the compresser clicks on no matter what the temp setting, is this normal? :D
  2. There was loads of metal filings stuck to the magnetic filler screw! Think it's time to start looking for a new gearbox :) This is my second Xsara and my experience has all been bad, am begining I had got a Vauxhall or a VW :D
  3. Thanks will get a Haynes Manual and give it a go :o . What oil shouil I put in after? And are any of the gearbox treatments such as Mollyslip any good?
  4. I have a strainge grating/fubbing sort of noise when in gear and decellorating, it goes when i apply the accelorator, but as soon as i take my foot off the gas in gear it comes back, it goes when clutch is depredded. Any idears?
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