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  1. The rear washer on my 2005 C5 takes ages to pump water through to the screen as if it is pulling it all the way from the front every time, is there a non-return valve which should hold the water in the pipe ready for the next use, if so, where is it, is it easy to change? Other cars I have driven have wet the window as soon as I hit the switch, is this how the C5 should be?
  2. Does anyone have or know where I can get a 1.6 HDi Engine Cover as the fixings on mine are broken? Thanks Keith
  3. I have a 2005 C5 VTR with the standard Blaupunkt CD Radio head unit, I seem to remember reading that they also made the same unit but with the ability to play MP3s, Does anyone know what model it is? Where I can get one? Would it be a straight swap or would it need to be programmed? Is there another easy alternative that still allows all functions such as display and steering column controls? Thanks Keith
  4. Thanks for the reply, can you advise where the EGR valve is, I have also thought about the valve on the inlet side but don't know where that is either. Are they accessible and easy to change, can they be checked without a dealer having to hook them up to a computer? Thanks again
  5. I have soot on the right hand side top of my 1.6HDi engine, the car runs fine apart from the occasional puff of black smoke from the exhaust and the appearance of the FAP warning light every few weeks, which I drive with some revs on and the service light soon goes off, the FAP filter was changed about 4000 miles ago. Has anyone else seen this, what causes it and how do I cure it? Thanks
  6. My problem is not the sticky problem that most people here have, but my wheel has become very 'wrinkled' and uncomfortable to hold in places, has anyone with the same problem tried to smooth this out with any success?
  7. I have the same problem and have been quoted £165+vat for a new wheel as the Citroen dealer say you cannot replace the leather cover. I bought a standard leather replacement cover from Halfords (£9.99) but it was not wide enough to meet around the thickness of the wheel. Like you I hope someone can suggest a sloution.
  8. I have a 2005 1.6 Hdi VTR with 87000 miles on the clock, I have just been informed that I am getting a puff of black smoke occasionally from the exhaust (maybe when changing gear) and so I travelled behind it to verify, these are mainly small but sometimes a decent size. the particulate filter was changed when I bought the car approx 2000 miles ago, I thought this was there to prevent any black smoke at all. It was not being driven hard at all when this happened. Any suggestions please as it is due for it's 1st MOT next month. Thanks
  9. I have a 2005 1.6HDi VTR with the original windscreen and I use a TomTom OneXL Europe on the bottom corner of the windscreen with absolutley no problems whatsoever, full satelite signal at all times.
  10. I have a musty smell in my 2005 C5 after driving, I think it may be the pollen filter as when I left it parked for 2 weeks at the airport, there was no smell when I first got back in, but again after driving it appears. Is it an easy item to change? where is it please? is there anything else that could cause this? Thanks
  11. But I suppose what I am wanting to know is, My TC appears to be over-stating my mpg quite considerably, do other 2005 1.6Hdi VTR C5s have the same innaccuracy or is there something that could be causing mine to be out? Is there anything I can check? The mpg I expected when I bought the car was 40-45 so I am reasonably happy with that but would like it if the TC didn't tell me such big porkies!
  12. Thanks for the reply, I do a mixture of journeys, but mainly 35 miles round trip to/from work each day with the odd longer journey, the car has done 85,000 miles and just had the FAP filter changed. I don't drive hard at all, (maybe I should to see what happens to the mpg). I do use 4.546 as the calculation (thanks for checking that). It appears that after I fill up and reset the TC it goes up and down as you would expect for the first 50 or so miles then seems to settle down and not change really.
  13. I have a 2005 1.6HDi VTR, I reset the trip computer with every fill up (to the brim) the computer is always stating that I am averaging around 52-54 mpg, however when i fill the tank and do the maths, it is actually doing around 43-45 mpg, does anyone else have this problem? Any free fixes?
  14. I need to get the standard head unit out of my 2005 C5 VTR (Mk 2?) to plug a Parrot Bluetooth hands free kit in, so 2 questions:- 1 How do I remove the unit easily without damaging it? 2 Does it have standard ISO plugs? Thanks in anticipaction of your help
  15. Does anyone know how much it is to renew the license on the TrafficMaster and if so, is it worth it? Is it any good when you have subscribed to it? Thanks
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