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  1. any pics anywhere I cant seem to find it
  2. I had a problem where the fan wouldnt kick in as you are facing the car to the left of the fan are 2 resistor packs one brown one grey (may be a diffrent colour on your car) one of these failed on mine take them out and check the spring inside hasnt snapped if it has replace the pack about £8 also check the resistor in the back. Hope this helps.
  3. hi I have a problem with my stop light and temp light coming on and then a beep from the computer @ just over 90 degrees then the fan will kick on for 5 - 10 seconds and the temprature seems to return to normal for a bit untill I slow down again. Please help I was going to try and bleed the system but cant even find the bleed screws oh its a 2002 1.4lx model thanks. Looks like I may have found the problem. Next to the radiator fan behind the front panel on the left are 2 resistors a brown and a grey one after taking them out and having a look it turns out that one of the springs on the resistor pack is snapped so the fan wouldnt cut in replaced part and all seems fine again. Hope this helps others too
  4. carefully pull of the surround around the stereo as not to damage it I pulled mine off in the centre above the computer display once you have that off there will be 2 torx screws undo them and then pull out the stereo job done :unsure:
  5. hi there just got my xsara today and put in my alpine cd player these are the wires that were used for mine hopefully the same for you radio black wire EARTH to car's EARTH mine was yellow and green quite thick radio Red Wire Switched Live to cars red live wire this on my car was 1 wire to the left of the green and yellow earth wire radio yellow wire Perment Live was conected to the wire directly under the green and yellow earth wire I think it was Pink hope this helps. If all else fails you can get a simple electrical tester from an auto store for about £5 btw all my wires were tested with a proper multi meter
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