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Everything posted by maxsara

  1. Thanks for the feedback kfk.
  2. Well i have an update: The information Citroen hand delivered this morning contains the exact same detail as the Maintenance and Guarantee guide states! General service to be carried out every 37500 / 40000 miles. Does the 3yr rule exist at all? I asked the dealership manager/director, who couldnt help although he did state "£437 is a lot of money for servicing (regardless of age) a Citroen which only has 8000 miles on the clock" The Saga continues..... My friend the service manager was not available to comment.
  3. I'd really appreciate someone's advice on servicing costs. My 03reg Xsara is due its 3 yrs service within the next week and I have been quoted £437 for a general severe Service from my dealership. I have discussed this price with the service dept. Who stated "It is Citroens policy to complete a severe/general service after X amount of miles or 3 years, whichever is sooner" My current mileage minimal just under 8k in total (not per year) I can accept the 3yr rule but...reading through the documentation supplied with My Xsara, and cannot see reference anywhere in the Maintenance and Guarantee guide that a 3yr general service is compulsory, whereas it is clearly states to expect a general service (every 37500 - 40000miles). I later called my dealer to discuss further. They suggested the documentation I have is incorrect, and was not issued by the dealership but Citroen UK for another market (which hardly makes sense). I replied "It has been stamped by your dealership and is the only document in the pack relating to servicing" after this discussion, it was agreed they would issue me with the correct documents by hand delivery tomorrow morning. This in not the first car I have put through it's 3yrs service, and find £437 to be an outrageous charge. Am I being Ripped off? What did you all pay for your 3yr service? And give me some steer if you think I am whining on about nothing. Thanks, m
  4. Hi All, I'm new to this forum and am also having issues with Aircon not working. Does anyone know if this is covered under 3yr warranty? replies much appreciated! thanks, m
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