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  1. Thanks for the reply. The car is the 1.6 and has only covered 10k miles. It is very strange as for no reason whatsoever the car just decided to jump forwards without any pressing of the Accelerator. Maybe the pedal got stuck? Not sure really. I am still confused as I simply cannot work out why this happened.
  2. ;) :D I have the C3 Pluriel Sensodrive Over the last few months I have found in the early morning that when I initially start the engine, the car revvs very high for a few seconds before settling down. Since then, when I lock the steering wheel this sometimes repeats itself. Recently I was doing a 3-point turn when the engine, all on its own, suddenly revved up and drove me straight into a wall causing cosmetic damage to the car. I know I was not pressing the accelorator, however the car seemed to have a mind of its own and would not stop. It is almost like the cable getting stuck as the car was in full lock forcing the car to rev up whilst in gear, hence hitting the wall. Obviously I am both annoyed and very concerned. At the moment the car is in a garage having the bodywork repaired, however the insurance will not fix any potential technical faults. I will be taking the car to the Citroen garage once completed and would really like to know if this problem has happened to anyone else? Please help.
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