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  1. Big help Colin - Thanks
  2. Hi Guys My stop lamp is flickering on when climbing steep roads ( I live in the wilds!) Im assuming this is a fluid level - possibly LHM. Can anyone confirm or had any similar experiences? Im due to change the LHM and clean the filters at easter ..... Ta
  3. Disconnecting the pretensioners and reconnecting sorted the problem thanks all
  4. thanks all
  5. Thanks dickie g - does that mean the old disconnect/leave/and connect again ? Or will the lamp need resetting? thanks
  6. The airbag lamp has just appeared on my V plate xantia HDI. Its not the seat airbag lamp but the flashing 'AIRBAG' orange lamp. Any quick fix's guys or is it the clock spring? Cheers
  7. Very well may be the sensor as mentioned above - only other thing it could be is if a previous owner has disconnected this to stop mileage accruing. This will be obvious as wiring loom will be disconnected off the gearbox sensor..... check this before you buy a sensor assy!
  8. I would have the alternator and battery checked, possibly hasnt been charging if light has come on faint then eventually gone flat..... Get the car started and put a voltmeter accross the battery, at 2000rpm with as many electrical loads on as poss (lights heater etc) you need 13.5v min - under 10v your looking at a batt and altermator
  9. I would try a net search, personally I think xantias look OK standard and pretty poor skirted up...
  10. I use a pair of waterpump pliers and an old bike innertube ! works every time
  11. I would only buy xantia seats to be sure of a good fit - I havent heard of any others fitting ...?
  12. Could be the fan thats noisy, might have some debris in or noisy bearings and might need a rear stat to sort the blower settings or a cable .... needs looking at basically, parts should be cheap from a scrap yard, theres plenty of dead xantias about !
  13. There are many suspension issues ! I have a 2 liter hdi on a V, it had hard spheres so instead of messing about I changed all 4 and now it feels like new, the sheres are only £35 for a pair and easy to do. Regarding the fan, are you sure it isnt the air con fan as this will operate even when the car is cold as its cooling the condensor, if the heat setting is on demist in the car it automatically puts the AC on thus kicking the fan in. Sounds like its normall so just leave it, n buy a wig!
  14. Might just be low coolant, try a top up
  15. You wont be able to swap front to rear without major modification as all componants will be different. Why do you want to do this? There also isnt any need to lock the wheels while driving and if the front wheels locked at speed with no rear braking you will be putting yourself and others on the road in danger, dont do it :)
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