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  1. soon
  2. Maybe but in general big cars ( I had a old bmw 7 series) which had 34 front and 36 in the rear.
  3. Maybe its because yours is a vtr+ coupe?
  4. I must check my tyre pressures again as i have just noticed the sticker on the driver side A post which says 2.5 bar (36.3 psi) for the front and 2.3 bar (33.4 psi) for the rear. when i checked last they had 32psi in the front and 34 psi in the rear!
  5. Well the car goes in tomorrow for the replacement rev display which the dealer says will take a hour to do. Autoglass came back to replace the front windscreen but I inspected the glass before it was fitted. It had the same defect! I therefore insisted that they a fit a citroen windscreen not a copy The fitting service is great and is not the fault of the fitters who do a first class job. I also removed the switch assembly from the drivers side door and can confirmed that the door mirrior selection switch does not light up. For the record all the other switches are within this assembly and therefore can be lit up from underneath however the mirrior selection switch sits on top of the assembly and can not be lit in the same way. I have'nt had time to get the front wheels balanced yet however the lumpy idle has improved with two goes of injector cleaning additives and a few good fast drives on the m60. but i can't talk of my incounter with a C2
  6. Good point, previous driver did,nt care as they were leaving the company. Did,nt know until took car over that it had these faults. Got air con fixed as first job on list. No problem with getting everything fixed.
  7. Its a petrol and the vibration gets worse even at 110 mph
  8. I have just taken over a 05 vtr+ wicked red which had/has the following faults 1. Hot air from all vents all the time. This was repaired by changing the air con control assembly which was a dash out job by the dealers. 2. Vibration through the steering wheel from 60mph onwards. The dealer said they could not detect it! 3. Rev counter display missing pixels between 2000-2500 rpm and only says 'troen' at the bottom of the display. Dealer say part not in until end of september. 3. Faulty door mirrior switch works left right only if you press it very lightly. Not bothered now i know how to get to work. 4. Door mirroir selection switch does not light up ( been told by two differant dealers) that it should / should not light up? Will take out the switch panel myself to find out which is true. 5. Wind screen had large scratch across driver side wiper sweep due to prevoius driver allowing wiper arm (with out blade) to gouge groves in it! Had it replaced yesterday but the new one has a defect at the lower right bottom edge as if the glass is distorted which gives a magnifing effect. 6. Slight miss fire at idle (or lumpy idle) dealer could not detect it! 7. The rear suspension has a clonk over bumps again the dealer could not detect it! Apart from that nice car. ;)
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