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  1. Thaanks for your comments. It was my intention to change the oil for the first time from new at 3000 and from then on each year using only sythenic oil.at 10,000 which would be about a full year. at the 2year period I will probably let the dealer have a go but my trust in dealers these days is about nil! My Picasso went in for the 1500 mile check and was presented back to me with bent sills on both sides. They had not used the correct jacking points. I could go on and on with dealer experiences with the many new cars I have purchased but it would take far to much time. I can afford dealers but the standard of work is so poor and rushed due to time frames therefore I prefer to do standard jobs myself.
  2. Although I have asked this question before, is there anybody out there who has any information to do the following. I need to know how the bottom engine cover is removed so to drop the oil on the C4 1.6 HDI Regarding the filter can anyone advise if the new filter element is placed in to the cap first and then applied to the aluminium filter housing or should the filter element be offered to the housing first. I do intend to change my oil at 3000 miles and use a fully synthetic oil. The other question I would like to ask is how on earth do you get to the air and cabin filter? I believe the fuel filter is a throw away type? Your comments would be appreciated. Although I have done this work on many other vehicles it is always useful to have prior knowledge when doing work on a new design. I noticed Halfords are selling 5 litres of sythetic engine oil (By Esso) at £15.99 (half Price offer) This oil has a higher specification than required so it is a very good buy
  3. Like many other things in life Its all a question of money. The basic coupe is cheaper than the hatch and as the coupe is quite nice the public buy the cheapest car. So what if the coupe is a cheap car, who cares. I have the more expensive hatch!!! :P ;) ;) ;) ;)
  4. Your bulb replacement guide is superb and should be inserted in the forth coming C4 Haynes manual. :rolleyes: :) :)
  5. fuelguage


    The tappets on the C4 petrol and diesel are the automatic hydraulic adjusting type. if there is a noise on starting up it will be a question that the tappet seals are letting the oil out over a day or so. This is due to faulty seals within the automatic tappet :P ;) and can be rectified by changing the automatic tappets for new ones. If the car is under warranty this is ok but if not you have the choice of puting up with the noise on start up or getting the repair done. I would point out that the loud tapping on start up can eventually cause camshaft and tappet follower damage.
  6. The point is you just won't know why untill you own a Diesel. They are just so much better to drive and own. I have had petrol cars for over 35 years but none of them perform as well as the modern diesel. Those who do the calculations are barking up the wrong tree the diesel is just a different drive, a more complete car in fact a better car all round from my experience. You have to own one to know!!
  7. I have the answer. With the white van expanding and getting faster us C4 owners who value our vehicles shoud fit CRASH BARS to the front and rear of our vehicles!! :huh: :D :P :D :D :o
  8. Thanks chums for your comments, what a laugh. The fact is my last car was a C5 hdi hatch and the boot was good for bodies therefore I miss having this facility. I must now look for another occupation! As a grumpy old man I will have to find somthing else to moan about!! -_- :D B) :D
  9. I don't know why Citroen made the C4 boot so small!! Is it for design or did they make a mistake? I'll try to have mine extended, any suggestions? -_- :D
  10. No it's the age thing not the car -_- :D
  11. After reading your note and other recommendations I have just orderd a ICN 530 I understand it has an internal memory. Can you install say France or Italy from the CD and do you need to delete a country first. I am not sure after reading the on line manual if there is enough memory inside the unit to take more than one country at a time. Any information would be a help. Thanks Jack
  12. Rear Flaps are just a waste of money, front ones may help a bit but you better save your money and take the partner out for a meal at Wetherspoons
  13. You will be lucky if they fit in the boot :P :D
  14. Wat do you do down hill use your skateboard? :P :D . Maybe use your strimmer with a propeller on the end!! :D :P
  15. I have had many new cars over the past 42 years and Citroen C5 HDI 110, Picasso HDI and the C4 are the most pleasing. I am getting 71 mpg round about town and more on a run and have had 84 with my C4 I just would not take the risk of buying another make Who can beat that
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