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Everything posted by proevofanatik

  1. if im changing the oil. how much oil will i need to buy to fill the engine back up? also how much break fluid will i need? could you also tell me where the filters are? the brake pads and stuff look easy to fit. i watched a video on youtube and it looked very easy indeed. thanks
  2. i keep getting a creaking squeeking noise from under my xsara picasso. it seems to be when i change gear and when i take off. you can also hear it when handbreak is on with biting point. also when im driving and i tap the break a few times to make car judder a bit i get the noise too. someone advised me that it might be the exhaust joint at the front of the car. how do i fix this annoying noise?
  3. hello. i am wanting to attempt to give my car a service myself. What do i need to check and what do i need to change? I havnt had my car serviced in about 3 or 4 years due to financial reasons. and i think its about time it had one. so could someone please give me a guide on what i need to do? thanks
  4. hi i have a xsarra picasso 52 plate. my keys two rubber buttons have fallen off and i started pressing the little button inside the key to lock my doors. this button has also now snapped off the solder connections on the circuit board of the key. i seen repair kits on ebay. they have the 2 rubber buttons and the 2 inner buttons you can solder on. what i want to know is , is it worth buying this kit? or is it easier to buy a 2nd hand key from ebay and reprogram it? if its easier to reprogram it, then could someone please post a guide on how to do it? thanks
  5. i was trying to open my drivers side window one icy morning and the window stuck. ever since i got a whining and crunching noise. the window wouldnt move unless i used my hands to put it up and down. i took of the inside door trim off and found that the wire on the window regulator had snapped. i phoned citroen and they said it would cost £189 plus vat. i looked on ebay and found a regulator for £50 or £60. and i also found a repair kit for £20. what am i better getting? am i better getting the part off citroen? get the part from ebay? or get the repair kit?.
  6. got it now m8 cheers. i was holding it in then turning on the engine. but if i held it in and just turned the key untill all the dash lit up i seen it counting down. now when i turn the engine on the spanner still flashes up ,but dissapears after 2 seconds. is that normal?
  7. my dashboard is different from yours. mine is a digital one. how do i do it with the digital one? thanks
  8. i cant see any black buttons on my display. here is a pic of my dashboard. what do i press to get the service spanner away? http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/1361/1001696cl0.jpg http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/1001696cl0.jpg/1/w320.png
  9. i installed a cd player in my picasso a few months back. all is well except i cant change station or volume on the steering wheel. and i cant store stations. it doesnt seem to keep any memory. what am i doin wrong. thanks
  10. is there a way to stop the annoying tic tok tik tok sound from inside when the indicators flash? or even a way to turn them down? it drives me crazy sometimes.
  11. thanks m8 very helpfull
  12. i feel very embarassed of asking this as i kind of know there is a very simple way to change the break light bulbs. ive taken the foam cover to the side and i noticed there is a very small square opening where the wiring goes into. i tried to pull the board out but it comes so far and springs back. i dont want to force this out incase i snap something. its a real pain as i have big hands and theres not much room to get in about the board. what am i doing wrong? there must be an easier way than this surely?
  13. hello all. im new to this forum and im not very clued up about picassos. i had a p reg fiesta b4 i got my picasso and it was easy to take the stereo out. but im not sure on how to get this one out . im scared that i might break a clip or something. please let me know how to get this out. thanks <_<
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