Problem Solved! Not by anything other than a bit of luck and a hammer. After its most recent visit to a dealership, where before they could do anything they 'had' to replace the broken linkage (shown in pics above) as they wouldn't be able to run any tests on it until it was replaced and were sure after it was replaced all would be fine :( They wouldn't accept that the anti pollution fault had been there long before the broken linkage, anyway, the linkage wouldn't be in until the following day. So it finally arrives late afternoon of the second day and there's no time left to try it :angry: Well next morning they take it out for a test run to prove it was all fixed, and what do you know, BANG! dead with anti polution fault! "Oh I thought you were sure the linkage was going to cure it?" say's I rather sarcasticly :lol: Next step, they hook it back onto the diagnostics and inform me that two injectors are failing, "which two I ask?" ah that'll need to be determined by 'our' specialist say the dealership, "not on your nelly" says I and so I took the car out and arranged for another specialist, of my choosing, to check the injectors. This is where the luck comes in, apparently its sitting ticking over up on the ramp, as they're preparing to do the test and it just dies, one of the guys underneath is standing next to the fuel pump and realises that the pump has also just stopped. He gives it a 'tap' with a hammer and it starts pumping again :blink: I'm advised it appears to have a faulty pump and should be replaced, it 'may' after all cure the problem and is obviously faulty, So again another day while a pump is ordered in, fitted, and lo and behold problem solved! :) Now why on earth with all the modern diagnostics, that these cars are supposed to have, are they not able to tell them there is a problem with the fuel flow from the pump? or is it just that all the dealership garages are full of absolutely crap 'mechanics' who can't actually tell whats wrong with a car unless the ECU tells them, when in effect the ECU its self dosn't know! I suppose if it went in with a flat tyre they'd deny it if the display didn't say 'Tyre punctured' :P