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Everything posted by Spoon
Tried the pump outlets earlier, didnt do anything. Got it sussd though, went and bought some axle stands from Hellfrauds, jacked up the front of the car. suspension dropped and the rear raised. I suspect that had pulled some fluid through and got shut of the air. Tried the Citrobics and all now seems ok One question though is it normal for the rear to raise first then the front after the rear the rear has levelled ? Just a note to everyone. If your C5 wont raise and you have power and signal to he pump take off the back cover remove the brush block and check the 2 copper coils. My pump sufferd from water ingress which led to the copper coil rotting. Temp fix carried out with solder to bridge the gap. Now works a treat for the price of a roll of solder.
Ok, Mended pump motor, Stripped it down, bridged the burnt out wire on the brush pack with solder, pump now works a treat but the car wont rise, had pump running with car raised, opened the blled valves and i have no flow, even tho the pump is running. I have tried working the suspension up and down - pump runs but no Citrobatics .Any special trick to bleed the system guys.
All conections are good, power signal and earth. I think the pumps shot. Cant find one anywhere. Found the problem, burnt coil inside the pump attached to one of the brush holders, now got to find someone who can rewind it. Cant get a pump anywhere.
I think the motor is knackerd, did some fault finding tonight in between the rain and the cheese toasties. I've got power to the pump, ECU tries power the pump via the trigger wire but it wont start. all connections and fuses are ok. :D Need to find a pump now.
Hi Tech, Suspension pump is mechanical, Hydraulics run off a seperate pump on OSF inner wing just under the LDS tank. Not the same as the Xantia. Im baffled?!$$
Hi Steve, No I live near worksop. I have checked all the fuses., they all seem ok, fluid still at base setting. Im just going back again thru everything i've done. Looking at the wiring diagram and gong back thru what i've done the only thin in the area is the ABS sensor which is connected to the BHI also. Im wondering if i've knocked the sensor or pulled the cable. Surely the ABS sensor cant knock out the suspension pump can it, or can it??
Still messing, cant get to the bottom of it all. Has got one of these plug in scanners and if so does it read suspension problems.
Went back and checked back everything i had done last night. Checked the 2 valves on the Anti Roll bars last night, No joy. Got power to the pump but nothing else. really need a Wiring Diagram or some kind of manual. Im at a bit of a loss here. Pump seems dead. I took the battery off last night and left it off i'm hoping somethings locked out and a good 24hrs will cure it. Been on other forums found the same problem but no one has ever posted a fix.
Cheers Techbod, only thing is it wont go up. I've tried working it through its range but doesn't want to move. I cant hear the pump running either. Will check power to it tonight. Am i right in assuming that the ride hight corrector controls the pump. I've noticed on the back axle theres a small valve with wires going to it which is connected to the suspension with a small plastic bracket. Should there be one on the front (if so i wonder if i've damaged that) if so would the car raise with this damaged. you will have to excuse the terminoligy as im a Citroen Newbie
No I jst jacked it up on normal ride hight, did have full RH lock on tho. I was also using a long bar to drop off the bottom arm NS, could i have knocked off the front ride hight corrector or whatever its called or wherever it is?? If i had knocked off or damaged this would it stop the car raising??
No I cant here the pump running when i open the door. I've tried everthing. I drove the car about a mile prior to fitting the CV boot, the suspenson was fine then. What i have noticed is that when you turn on the ignition the suspension light dont illuminate untill you start the engine. If i could get my hands on a workshop manual then i could possibly troubleshoot but there is no info anywhere and a bit of help in the right direction would be great I've tried all suspension settings but it wont go up just stays on the bump stops. prior to fitting CV gaitor i didn't touch the car for a fortnight. Would a dodgy ride hight corrector stop the car from raising or could it be a knackerd pump?? in anticipation guys, Sven
Hi Guys, Got a funny one now. Bought the car the other month 51 2.0 HDi just out of test. Done the brakes front and rear. Today got the CV gaitors and cambelt (to fit later) jacked the car up and did the NS CV boot, piece of cake. I let the jack down and now the suspension will not rise. I've tried all sorts. Jacking up the front starting stopping it. Left the battery off for 30 Mins. All still the same. What i did notice is that when i jacked up the NS front after bout 5 mins i saw that the NSR wheel was off the floor as well??. The LDS fluid with the suspension as it is now is just on the lower limit. Car has been left for 2 weeks due to working abroad and never ending rain. Is it somthing i have done or are they known for it. Is there any way to check the suspension pump.
Any one know where i can get a front caliper repair set I.e. Dust seal. one of the dust seals on mine is split and the other is missing. Spoke to Citroen and they said some parts were available but not the dust seal.
Cheers Ronin, the cars a bit tatty in places but nothing that cant be put right. Looked on GSF and Euro car spares and could't find any listed. Tried the local Motor factors today and they list them for £47 just need to know what type of transmission it has now, aparently theres two types of Gearox fitted. Bought the front and rear pads and front discs for £78. thought i would have been up for a big bil. prices seem resonable. Anything i really need to look out for.
Hi Guys, Be gentle on me, first post and first ever Citroen. Just bought a C5 no MOT but cheap enough 51 Plate £275 122k. Fixed the rear calipers with help from the posts on this forum "Cheers Guys" The NSF CV joint in knocking under full lock and wants a pair of outer Cv gaitors. Can the outer joint be changed on its own or is it a full shaft. I can remember many moons ago when i used to be in the motor trade certain french cars you couldn't split the shaft.