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  1. Cheers mate. Thanks for the advice. Sorry for the late reply. Been on holiday for the past month. I'll get in touch with Angel
  2. G'day folks. Its been a while since I last posted a comment. Basically I've been having trouble free motoring and had no need to ask anything but now I'm looking for a bit more. I drive C4 VTR+ 1.6 Hdi 110 and I'm wanting a bit more power. Has anyone out there had their engine re-mapped and if so 1--- has it worked and have you noticed a difference and 2--- where did you get it done I live just outside Glasgow and would be willing to travel (within reason, 100 miles or so) to get it done.
  3. Its a 110 diesel VTR+. It went in to get some work done and came back with this alarm. Its got nothing to do with the cruise control or speed limiter cause it still happens when both are switched off. Its the same noise that goes off when you open the door having left the keys in the ignition.
  4. Please,please,please can someone help. I have just driven from glasgow to london and had to keep under 75 mph due to the over speed warning. I have read the manual from cover to cover and there is nothing telling me how to switch it of. How do you switch it off? I don't want to drive back up to Glasgow with this alarm blaring into the cabin!!!
  5. Cheers, but he did buy a "special" tool from that well known over-priced retailer! He spent nearly 4 hours working on it but its begining to snow up here so decided to come in.
  6. Can someone please help me. Has anyone changed the rear brake pads of their C4? My dad is having difficulty changing them. Said he is having problems with retracting the rear brake piston. Can anyone tell me how and if they managed to do this
  7. My ESP light flashes quite a lot, but that could be due to the type of driver I am!! It prevented a serious skid the other day. It's weird when you actually feel one corner of the car braking and you've got nothing to do with it!!
  8. I'm about to ask a stupid question, but does anyone know where I can buy brake pads for the rear wheels. I know I can get the front ones from Halfords, but it clearly states front and I'm not sure if they'll do the back as well. I've looked everywhere I can think of and I don't fancy going to Citoen direct cause I knoe that'll cost a fortune.
  9. After 3 months and many visits to the garage I finally got my C4 back in full working order last Thu, and I can honestly say I'm well chuffed!! I've just spent some time reading posts from people who are clearly unhappy with their car and I can sympathise with them. I waited 3 months for a garage to isolate and fix my problems (reminder: it was the climate control and the cruise control) but now that I've got it back I can't complain. And on enquiring what caused the problem, it was in actual fact, nothing to do with citroen. The previous owner has installed high performance speakers and sub and whoever wired it up really messed up. As soon as it was switched on, it fried a lot of the circuit boards. So I was very lucky Citroen carried out the work under warrenty To those people who seem really p****d off with their C4 all I can suggest is stop moaning, sell it and buy into something boring like a Golf or Focus!!! Incidentally I might be selling the 6X9's that he left. They are Infinity Kappa. Keep your eyes on E-bay if your interested.
  10. Its not the limiter. Thats at position 0. Looks like I'll have to phone the garage. Going on a long drive tomorrow and I certainly don't want that thing bleeping at me all the time.
  11. Ok I got my C4 back yesterday. At last , some decent handling!!!! However I have a major problem. Because they have been fixing an electrical fault, all my settings have been reset. Most of them I can fix except the really annoying alarm that comes on when the car goes over 75. Now I now this is verging on law breaking but it really is a pain in the a**e!! Does anyone know how to put it off. There are a few pages missing from my manual and I think the info for this must be on one of them.
  12. cmcternan

    Mph '06

    Well I live just outside Glasgow so it would be a 300-350 mile drive. Sounds like a good excuse to waste some fuel!!
  13. I seemed to spark off some what of a debate with my last posting! As previously said, the climate control is up and running. After checking various aspects of the cruise control and finding that they appear to be working, the mechanic thinks it is the ECU which controls the cruise control that has failed. In my mind this is a serious fault, and I'm begining to think that I've been too easy going with the garage. I have got a courtesy car (all be it a Citroen Picasso!!) but does any one else agree that it should not have taken nearly 4 weeks to get this far. I appreciate the garage has other jobs to attend to, but surely a car which has been there for that length of time should get top priority? I'm not slagging the Citroen mechanics but I'm worried that my car is only getting work done on it when all the other jobs are finished. Another issue is that the garage is over 30 miles away from where I live. All these things keep playing on my mind. I'm fed up driving what handles like a Transit van. I just want my C4 back!!!
  14. Good news (well sort of). After 3 weeks the garage say they have fixed the climate control. It was a fault with the wiring. The criuse control is still faulty. They've tested the steering wheel mounted control and they appear to be sending a message to the ECU but it's here where it stops working. Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll keep you up to date on how things go.
  15. Yeh I realise now that was a bit vague!! Sorry Basically the air conditioning only blasts out hot air. (which I suspect is just the hot air coming off the engine). The garage say they've replaced the parts either end, ie the compressor and the mechanics controlling the vents, but can't isolate the problem which apparently lies somewhere in between. The cruise control in inoperative. It just doesn't work. The garage updated the software but hasn't helped. Wozza, thanks for moving my post the appropriate section.
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