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  1. Ok so driven AX's for a number of years and they have always been great little beasts, but i am now worried. Me and 3 friends have decided to drive 2 ax 1.5d to banjul- gambia africa. Not a problem except i need to replace some parts which are proving very costly from citroen. Would like some help in sourcing some items if anyone can help. Needed- 1 radiator- old one is bulged and leaks too much Radiator hoses- Really need 2 bottom hoses the long one that pases the alternator and anyothers as i would like to repalce as many as possible. Drive shafts- which seem to cost £75 each-- is this correct. and the hoses that feed the heater matrix on both cars need doing. Finally if anyone has a gearbox could do with a replacement a 2nd is a bit dodge on one car. will a gear box from a 106 fit? Cheers Miles
  2. it would be the one above the number 7 in the diagram
  3. hi i have a 1995 ax 1.5d i noticed it was leaking water and with only 55000 on the clock i expected the worst. eventually with much searching i have found the problem to just a water pipe. so i set to remove it...... to gain access i had to remove air filter assembly inlet manifold exhaust manifold O/S engine mount and sheild plate exhaust heat shields. then i could remove the Kleber hose that is broken. does anyone know where to get one? kleber 0794 i consulted citroen who said just use a standard hose- problem being its too close to the exhaust and i know it will perish fast if the hose touches the metal? any ideas?
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