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  1. I access them from the backseat or from the trunk ? :ph34r:
  2. I thought i said what to do? Where are the connectors in "the rear" ?
  3. Its cool that you all mention safety and stuff but in some situations I, prefer not using the seatbelt. Its not like if anyone here tell me how to turn it off, it will be like pushing me off the edge of a 20 stories building.. So I tried again to look for the way to disable it and I couldnt. Can someone say ? Is it too technical? Thanks!
  4. It was mentioned within the last week, how to disable the belt warning. It's nothing as technical as messing with the computer :) Use the search function and ye will find :P I have used the search phrases: "disable seatbelt" "seatbelt" and "belt" and none of the results that came up had that solution. Can you please post a link to that thread? Is it here in the C4 forum? :(
  5. Hi. I have recently got a C4 from work and I have a couple of questions. Is it possible to ever turn off that annoying beeping when the seatbelt isnt fastened? It beeps for like 2 mins its driving me insane! I wanted to know if its possible to turn off that annoying feature. How do I turn on cruise control? :o Thanks!!
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