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Everything posted by parkeyx

  1. cheers people. i sorted it. i pulled the solenoid out and i noticed the rubber plunger was split. lucky enough a local scrapyard had the same model car .the plunger looked in good condition. i have changed it over and its working fine. thanks very much!
  2. i have a bx 1.9 diesal on a L reg.i have posted a problem on here before and some good dude got back to me the same day. nice one m8! you was right! the next problem is my engine wont turn off. i have to stall it. now i know theres a cut off on the pump. will it definitely be the fuel cut off solenoid that is faulty. what is the best way to test it. could it be on the key side .i.e no feed from the ignition barrel to the fuel cut off? any help would be greatly appreciated. yet again lol
  3. i pulled the hazzard switch out to have a look at the design,when i plugged it back in. the indicators was working. the wires seemed ok and the connection good. looks like the switch is the prob. i,ll grab a new one. but for now, i have light! thanks a lot for your answer and u are a star!
  4. blimey u quick, i only just refreshed my page after a brew.lol i,ll get another switch . there cheap and its a good process of illimanation .so i,ll try it . it didnt even cross my mind. i havvnt even check the back of the hazzzard switch yet. i,ll let u know wot happens.
  5. i have a bx 1.9 diesal on a L reg.when i use the indicators (r+L)they dont work(no relay click). but when i press the hazard switch the relay clicks and the indicators flash. i been told its not the relay because its on the same system at the hazzards and they are ok. the fault keeps coming and going. i,m thinking it could be the indicator staulk(but both left and right not working?). is there any other problem on these cars that cause this. also wots the colours codes on the indicators connection block.so i can test any help would be great. i used to be a mechanic years back. but i,m rusty on newer cars and was never great with electrics.
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