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Everything posted by xt500cc

  1. Beware the Raw Egg I was parked in a layby in Cannock last week minding my own business, not interfering with anyone and certainly provided no cause for the loutish behaviour of another motorist. A raw egg was thrown by a tw#t passing in what looked like a fairly new Audi at my car, it hit just at the side of the fuel filler and splattered along the side of the car. What i first thought was a nuisance type prank turned into dismay when i cleaned the car later, where the egg hit and the eggshell disintegrated the sharp edges of the egg dug into the black paintwork. It looks like a starburst, i'll try and get some pics, thankfully i've managed to polish some of the damage out but most of it is too deep and has gone well into the top coat. Watch out for this obviously well known (although previously not to me) vandal prank. Si Wils
  2. Hey Guys The price isn't that far out for the spec in my estimate (Leather is expensive in Citroens), and remember it's only a few months old, the colour is something you either think is ok or you hate, and trying to find a diesel for a bargain price is chalenging to say the least. I paid £9,500 for the same spec (except leather) in September 2006 for an 05 plate with 24k in Black. John i would offer them just over ten grand take it or leave it. Siwils
  3. I wonder Does anyone have the 1.6 VTR+ Diesel with a similar problem? When the car is in 5th gear you can actually move the stick to the right and get it back almost to the neutral position, and back again, i noticed this just by chance as i held the lever. I recently had some clutch work done so i don't really know if this is normal or not as i hadn't had the car long before the work was carried out. The gearbox is nice and smooth and is pleasant enough to use, it's just a bit of a worry if this issue isn't normal. By the ay there is no force in this action it really does just move very easily out of position, no feeling of gears shifting or anything Si Wils
  4. Sorry to hear about the faults. I have a Black Coupe 1.6 VTR+ Diesel. I had a very similar sounding clutch fault, i actually thought the clutch had a cable until the dealer said it was definitely hydraulic. It was gritty and spoilt the drive, especially when trying to reverse of shunt carefully into a space etc, and when resting your foot on the clutch pedal (pedal still at the top) it pulsated, coupled with speed of engine i.e faster the engine faster the pulsating. Ended up getting a new clutch assy and flywheel under Citroen Warranty, car had done 25,000 mls. As i'd just bought the car and given all the usual promises such as fully serviced on collection etc i noticed the service book hadn't been stamped, they admitted they'd "forgotten" to service it and they said as a goodwill gesture they would fit the 70% worn front pads. The car has been spot on since the intial disappointment so please persevere. Cheers Si Wils
  5. I saw a reply from Wozza to the Romanian guy, he said to ensure you get the screen configured for the reverse sensors. Does anyone know how to do this co mine hasn't been done, looks like a genuine dealer job though so hopefully it'll be in the menu system somewhere. Cheers Si Wils
  6. Does anyone know why my VTR+ doesn't lock the doors automatically on setting off? it used to but seems to have stopped since it went in for major surgery in the clutch dept. Is there a setting somewhere? Si Wils Thanks Rich
  7. Does anyone know why my VTR+ doesn't lock the doors automatically on setting off? it used to but seems to have stopped since it went in for major surgery in the clutch dept. Is there a setting somewhere? :( Si Wils
  8. I had my clutch and flywheel replaced recently on my 1.6HDI Coupe VTR+, luckily Citroen replaced it under warranty. The pedal felt weird and was pulsating under your foot, also the clutch felt as though it was sticking and was difficult to slip accurately without the car jerking. Cheers Si
  9. Dear All A wee while ago i reported a sticking clutch cable, i since discovered that the C4 is hydraulic (no cable then), so now the gearbox is laid on the floor of Mr Vardy's garage in Leeds with a sad lookin clutch. Thanks to Citroen though they're replacing it under warranty, although i was slightly surprised when the service guy rang to say that Citroen were going to allow the replacement under warranty (can't imagine the conversation had it gone the other way), they've had the car more than me lately what with the heater, clutch, service (they said they'd done a service when i bought the car and i discovered they hadn't). Fingers crossed i can begin to enjoy my coupe' Siwils ;)
  10. Hi I'm very new, just traded my C2 for a used C4 Coupe VTR+ HDI 1.6, FANTASTIC LOOKIN' MOTOR, 23,500 miles on a 2005 in metallic black so not too bad, and being honest it looks to have been well looked after. Even though i've bought from a main dealer i immediately found faults on picking it up on the way home (typical eh?). The heater blows hot on the drivers side and cold on the passenger, i notice this is quite a common fault but also i noticed the clutch getting drier and drier when needing to say reverse up a slope, i've booked it back in for these to be fixed under warranty, i'll report back on progress. PS Has anyone else had jerky clutches??? Si Wils
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