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Everything posted by elrey123

  1. Had a long chat with the dealer yesterday, after I pushed him into consulting Citroen Technical Dept. 1. Knocking noise when turning engine on/off. All 1.6HDi's do it. It is caused by the flywheel housing, aparently a device which helps extend the life of the timing belt. However they make knocking noises after a while....no cure as yet. 2. As people have posted above, most front suspension noises are caused by bushes, according to Citroen mine is likely to be the bottom wishbone bush, as I don't have a knocking, but a creaking noise. 3. Brake juddering. Possibly a distorted hub. Run out on the discs has been checked, and although there is some runout, it's within manufacturers tolerances. So...I've got a little bit further! I will check the tyre pressures. Citroen have offered to pay for a new set of front tyres as a goodwill gesture due to all the problems I've had.
  2. Yes, lots of speed bumps where I live, and plenty with gaps between them. ATS fixed the steering for me once, all they did was reset the tracking, and the steering was crisp and "tight" for about 250 miles and it gradually loosened again..kinda like no resistance to bumps or uneven roads. Can't brake or accelerate in a straight line without the steering wheel snatching and wandering. I don't drive the car hard, just normally really. I don't know if the discs are warping, I dont think they are coz going through 3 sets is extreme, I think there is another cause which is linked to the steering problem and possibly the creaking suspension at the front.
  3. elrey123


    The pollution warning light could be caused by: Lack of Eolys additive Dodgy EGR valve Particulate filter problem There's probably more poss causes, but those are the ones that spring to mind. I don't see why a turbo fault would register a pollution warning. If it was a turbo fault, you'd notice a problem when you drive, ie: lack of power or eneven power delivery.
  4. Thanks for all the advice! Will definately get back to them about the knocking noise! It has been to the dealer about 15 times, and twice it has been left with them for a week..each time it has been returned in the same condition. I have tried different dealers, and they all tell different stories....impossible! I don't think rear suspension upgrade will help in my case. replacement of rear shock absorbers was the first thing I had done, and it made no difference. It's not a knocking front the front suspension, more like a low creaking noise, only heard at low speeds..ie in heavy traffic etc. So far........ 3 x sets of front discs and pads Replaced OSF suspension mount & bearings Replaced exhaust system Replaced rear shock absorbers Tracking reset 4 times Replaced turbo shield Replaced air ducting leading away from intercooler (was leaking oil) Removed dashboard to tighten loose nut and bolt which was squeaking Grease ceased brake caliper Replace OSF brake caliper Tighten loose brake pedal Plus...all the various recalls and tightening of various bolts and mountings.
  5. Just thought I'd add to this thread, regarding the bit about the Citroen Dealer not having a clue what they're doing.....unfortunately this is usually true. My C4 has been into two different dealers, many, many times, with the same unresolved problems. Each dealer gives a different story, and a different reason why it cannot be fixed! Basically, if a car is under warranty they aren't interested! The mechanics arent mechanics at all, they're "technicians" and if the answer cannot be found in a text book, or by plugging in a diagnostics reader, they don't have sufficient knowledge to diagnose anything, or have any interest in digging a bit deeper to find the cause of a problem, especially mechanical ones. My car spent a week at a dealer, when I picked it up, it was in exactly the same condition as when I left it, none of the faults repaired, and just "standard" answers as to why faults hadn't been fixed. I guarantee if I was paying for my repairs, they'd find the faults no trouble! I have found that dealing with Citroen is virtually impossible, and their After Sales Customer Service is absolutely apalling...if your car is under warranty that is. Just some examples of the answers I've had from Citroen mechanics..... 1. Wobbly steering: "It's because you have wide tyres on a C4, that's making the steering jittery" (Wonder if BMW, VW, Audi etc Dealers give their customers the same answers? 2. Knocking noises " It's a characteristic of the car, but you can't hear it if you turn your radio on" 3. Electrical fault that happens in cold weather: "Well, you wouldnt expect your car to perform properly when it's cold" 4. How to change the air filter on the 1.6HDi: " I don't know, but looking at it, it'll be a pain to do" OK...rant over!
  6. Hello all! Im new to this forum, but not new to owning Citroens. I have an 05 reg C4 HDi VTR Coupe. I have to say, looks aside, I am totally unimpressed with the car. If anyone can help with the following problems, please feel free!......... 1. Knocking noise when turning engine on/off and when changing gear. Only happens when engine is hot!? 2. Steering is loose and wobbly. No resistance to bumps and imperfections. ATS fixed it once by adjusting tracking etc, but problem returned after 250 miles. Dealer unable to fix. 3. Flat spot in 1st Gear if car is brought to a stop, then asked to pull away again within 1-2 seconds. 4. Juddering brakes. Already on 3rd set of front discs! Im convinced the braking and steering probs are related. 5. Creaking door seals. Only when windows are closed. 6. Front suspension is creaking. Dealer says they cannot hear it..typical. 7. "Electrical Circuit Fault" Only happens when outside temps are 3 degrees or below. Heater, wipers etc run on half power until engine is revved for a couple of mins. OK, that's enough for now! PS: Is it normal for oil to be getting into the intercooler and into the air inlet manifold, thus creating thick black sludge where it meets the EGR gases? Thinking of changing for a VW Bora unless these probs get sorted, which is a shame coz I've always owned Citroens. All help gratefully received!
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