Just thought I'd add to this thread, regarding the bit about the Citroen Dealer not having a clue what they're doing.....unfortunately this is usually true. My C4 has been into two different dealers, many, many times, with the same unresolved problems. Each dealer gives a different story, and a different reason why it cannot be fixed! Basically, if a car is under warranty they aren't interested! The mechanics arent mechanics at all, they're "technicians" and if the answer cannot be found in a text book, or by plugging in a diagnostics reader, they don't have sufficient knowledge to diagnose anything, or have any interest in digging a bit deeper to find the cause of a problem, especially mechanical ones. My car spent a week at a dealer, when I picked it up, it was in exactly the same condition as when I left it, none of the faults repaired, and just "standard" answers as to why faults hadn't been fixed. I guarantee if I was paying for my repairs, they'd find the faults no trouble! I have found that dealing with Citroen is virtually impossible, and their After Sales Customer Service is absolutely apalling...if your car is under warranty that is. Just some examples of the answers I've had from Citroen mechanics..... 1. Wobbly steering: "It's because you have wide tyres on a C4, that's making the steering jittery" (Wonder if BMW, VW, Audi etc Dealers give their customers the same answers? 2. Knocking noises " It's a characteristic of the car, but you can't hear it if you turn your radio on" 3. Electrical fault that happens in cold weather: "Well, you wouldnt expect your car to perform properly when it's cold" 4. How to change the air filter on the 1.6HDi: " I don't know, but looking at it, it'll be a pain to do" OK...rant over!