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Everything posted by fallingoverdrunk

  1. Dear Sir/Madam I am writing this message for theraputic reasons. I am the less than proud owner of a Citroen C5...a 2001 model HDi 110 bhp. In the space of 6 months of owning this shed, I have seen more problems with this one car than I have had with all my/my wife's cars....thats a combined 20 years of car ownership. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement. This car is supposedly a luxury model but appears to have the build quality of a wet fart....actually....farts dont rust, unlike the aerial and rear door hinges on my little pearl. What is most galling and probably most instructive is that Citroen dealers take off faster that Linford Christie with a rottweiler up his backside when you try to offer one in part exchange. How they can expect to slaughter my part ex and then expect you to do it all again and buy another Citroen ? And speaking of dealers..... the service department of my local Citroen dealership had, well....lets be nice.... a relaxed attitude towards fixing problems. Yes sir....we could fix that under warranty but we dont do warranty work on any day that has a Y in it...come back in 2 months..or preferably, not at all. Am really looking forward to taking a bit hit in the pocket when I sell this car. My previous car....a Skoda Octavia ..... gave me 95k miles of completely trouble free motoring. I think I will now be telling Citroen jokes ! Apologies to all the real Citroen afficionados....I admire your determination. I wonder how many of those fans actually work for Citroen. You really can't expect to get away with this for much longer. Yes...and mine's a bitter lemon Cheers !
  2. Yes....have the same problem with mine too My 3 yr old loves to watch it I have cured (???) it by leaving the suspension at its highest setting. Seems to work
  3. I had a variation of the above......the left rear door lock locked.......the hilarious thing was that the door was open at the time... Imagine driving 50 miles to my dealer to get the lock fixed with the door held closed with a scarf tied from one inside handle to the opposite one. Thank God I didn't need to have my daughter in her car seat Needless to say, the dealer had never heard of any problems with door locks before....Thanks to all the good people here I knew different.....brazen sod ! Was tempted to aim a swift kick in the direction of his joins, but thats a legal minefield.......bring back the old days of flogging....etc..... :D Dealer replaced the lock finally Cheers
  4. Hi,....had the same problem with a '01 C5 I bought last year You could try using one of those head cleaner CDs...worked for me
  5. Have a '01 C5, on which the aerial seized solid....Don't try and twist it too hard or you may find that you will have a leak into the cabin from the base. From memory the base and aerial was approx EUR 120
  6. On the wheels issue.....I was looking to get a set of alloys or steel wheels for my C5 as mine look as if they did a tour of duty in 'nam. Was told that I would have to get the studs changed as steel wheels wouldn't fit ! And guess what...the price of replacement wheels + the studs cost EUR 5 more than new alloys Unless I start getting some decent service from my dealer, I will never buy a Citroen again
  7. Hey all Newbie here and new to the C5 too I recently got my hands on a '01 C5 2.0 HDi. Enjoying the experience, but having a few niggly problems. Would really welcome some advice/suggested solutions. 1. Vibration through the steering wheel....lasts 2-3 secs builds up and then falls away...stops for a couple of secs and starts up again. Have had wheels balanced but this hasnt sorted the problem...gets worse with speed. After wheels, thought it might be shocks, but have heard that C5 hasnt got shocks.......any suggestions pls ? A warped wheel perhaps ? 2. Headlights flicker 3. Sentral locking works variably 4. Car pitches a LOT in cornering 5. Roof aeriel has siezed completely...this will need replacing...can i get a this through the rear interior light? Thanks All
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