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Everything posted by grimmers

  1. They have given me a coutesy car, the only problem is everytime I take it in for the problems to be sorted I pick the car up find out they are still not done and have to wait another 2-4 weeks for another courtesy car. This is why I left it with them for a week this time.
  2. ......just had second handbrake button fitted (paint keeps wearing off), asked for alu dash kit to be fitted, enquired about alu gearstick but deceided against it and asked for original gearstick to be replaced as that was pealing. Picked car up (after dealer had had it for a week to sort all other problems out) alu dah kit kitted (gear stick surround came straight off) and alu gearstick. Could put old gearstick back as they had thrown it away and the new stick isn't fitted correctly. PLUS they had solved none of the problems they had had the car for....still waiting for parts....could be weeks....am I fed up....Oh yes. Had car 7 months they have had it for nearly a month!!!
  3. I know this is only a small problem (believe me I have plenty more where the C3 is concerned) but has anybody elses handbrake button had it paint worn off. I am on the second in my C3 and this is doing exactly the same. The 'brushed aluminium' is wearing off and I seem to have a lovely scratch plastic effect. Also the gearstick top is now doing the same but that could be down to my wedding ring (even so should it be wearing after 6 months/11500 miles?). Grimmers
  4. Look on Citroen's accessories site it has an air horn in the accident prevention part.
  5. Moduboard £35.....where from?
  6. grimmers

    My C3

    I have had my C3 16v HDi for about 6 months now and out of that time the dealer has had it in their possesion for over 2 weeks. It has been in and out of there about 8 or 9 times. Initially it went in because it was excessively noisey on acceleration (the engine always sounded like it was really struggling (the kind of noise you get when you try to set off in 4th gear), this is still on going.) and a vibrating noise from the gear stick(still on going also despite hanging weights on the cable) Then it went in for the acceleration problem a few people have mentioned (got to 2500-3000 rpm and lost power) this was sorted but may be rearing it ugly head again (or maybe I am just paranoid now). It has also been in for the recall work to be done on it (I was told this would sort out the engine noise...it didn't). Had the hand-brake button replaced (started to wear after a couple of months...a year I could live with but not 2 months.....this is starting to happen again) Been on numerous 'test drives' with assorted levels of mechanics. Have now told the dealer that they must get problems sorted and I don't care how long it takes but when I get it back I don't want to have to take it back to them except for servicing. If they don't get problems sorted this time does anyone know where I stand legally for claiming compensation or changing the car? Hope to hear from you soon! Gaz
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