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Everything posted by Dariel

  1. Hi there ! I got a 2 liter sx petrol c-5 2003 (Disel is not very common in Israel). Bought it with the handel broken. cost me very little (original part-not from a jank yard). I figgered that if it got broken there is some weaknes and I must get a new one. very easy to replace. A part from some minor leak drives very well. D.
  2. Hi ! I have the manual that came with the car (translated) and I'm looking for the full manual (not the technical one).or any other info on a c5 2003 Could you direct me to an online site or a web page with info ? Thank you D.
  3. Hi ! I have the manual that came with the car (translated) and I'm looking for the full manual (not the technical one). Could you direct me to an online site or a web page with info ? Thank you D.
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