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  1. Yes, but it's much more fun playing with all the buttons! :P
  2. You were absolutely right - it was the control at the end of the stalk (the audio button). Incidently, I didn't realise what the audio button did either until you said. Am discovering new things about the car all the time! Thank for your help
  3. I've had my 1.4 petrol desire for 3 months now. When I first had it, I'm convinced that it had a MPG indicator on the display (it was reading 47.5!) Feeling clever, I played with all the buttons and it disappeared! Now I can't find any mention of it in the handbook and I'm wondering if I imagined it (not surprising really). Can anyone help me? Did I have a display or not? If I did, how do I get it back? Many thanks Penny
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