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  1. i have a new model c5 2.0hdi exclusive estate - march 2005. last october when air temperatures dropped i noticed cold air dropping from under the steering column - as cold as the outside air temp. after several trips to dealer they agreed there was cold air and passed it to citroen for a fix. 12 months on the stance from citroen is its a characteristic not a fault. i paid for climatecontrol and its like driving with the window open! uk say its with france. i'm told that they have cars on their fleet with same problem! i cant face another winter like this. anyone else got this problem? you will know if you have believe me - when its minus 2 outside dont plan for a family.. odd thing is as soon as i hit recycle cabin air the cold air stops instantly. only problem with that is i suffocate through lack of oxygen! anyone help?
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