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  1. It isn't the same as most hatches, unfortunately. There is a couple of pins, one on each side of the window, which seem to have no purpose, so i expect the two strings attach to these & raise the shelf as the window opens. There does not appear to be anything for the rest of the shelf to sit on though, or hinge off.
  2. Hi all. Can anyone tell me how to fit the parcel shelf in a 2004 pluriel? I bought the car last week & as well as the plastic shelf with the rail caps underneath (which is easy to fit) I was given a small cloth covered parcel shelf, with two strings hanging from it. I can't find any info in the cars manual about how to fit it. I've seen pic's of the pluriel with the rear window up & i can see the shelf hanging from the window, but I can't fathom how it fits. Thankyou.
  3. I know, I looked it up. :D I went down Halfords earlier this evening & they sold Poseidon blue, it's as common as muck.:) So that's everything sorted, thanks again.
  4. I think I have found it. There is a sticker on the inside of the drivers door pillar, near the hinges. The sticker has tyre pressures on it & also the letters "KMHC." KMH is Poseidon Blue on the Saxo site & "bleu grande pavios on your link. In any case the car is blue so I reckon this must be the code. I found out about this sticker having the code on it from a Saxo forum. The Saxo site said mk-1 Saxo's have the code on the top of the front strut & mk-2's have it on the door sticker. It looks like this also applies to Xsara's. A1 motor stores sell the colour for £8 in the Holts range of paints, so I'll try my local A1 first. http://a1autowise.com/CITROENBLUE300MLSPRAYPAINT.aspx Thanks for your help techbod.
  5. There is an aluminium plate just inside the boot at the very rear, but I can't see a paint code on it. Do you know if the code is made up of letters, or numbers & how many, on a xsara?
  6. Hi all. Can anybody tell me where the paint code is on a mk-2 xsara hatchback? I have a manual for the mk-1 which shows it top right corner of the engine bay but I can't find it anywhere on the car. Thanks.
  7. DaG

    1.4 Problem

    I removed the stepping motor to check the part no back in January, then put it back. since then the problem has disappeared. I don't whether it was the step motor or the breather pipe that I noticed was almost broke in two, which I then repaired. It was the pipe from the rocker cover to the throttle body, the one that takes fumes that build up in the rocker box to be burnt off in the engine cylinders. Either way touch wood it's running ok now, thanks for your advice.
  8. DaG

    1.4 Problem

    Hi shortone. The part that you linked to, is that the actuall one you bought? that guy sells a few different stepper motors, some for citroens. Is your car a 1.4 & can I ask you how you knew that was the correct part? being as it is for peugeot engines? The part numbers that seller quotes for his motors are different to the one on my sons car's, stepper motor.
  9. DaG

    1.4 Problem

    Thanks for that info shortone, I'll change the stepper motor & let you know what happened. Btw, I never go to main dealers unless it really is a last resort, some of their prices are crazy. Thanks again.
  10. My sons 2001 mk-2 1.4 xsara has a bit of a starting problem. He has to to give it a lot of revs immediately after starting, or it just fires then cuts out. He then quickly puts it into gear & sets off, he has to keep the revs up for the first couple of junctions as well. Does anybody know a likely cause of this or whether it would be better to take it to a Citroen dealer? Are mobile tuners any good? Thanks.
  11. DaG

    Acrid Smell

    That smell is very likely the heater matrix, but I would have thought it would be coming out of all the dash grilles. The matrix gets perforated over time by minute holes which allow stale antifreeze to leak into the airstream and cause the smell, it's common on older cars. I had a fiat a few years back with that problem, it was so bad it misted up the windscreen, there was so much moisture in the airflow. :P Yours seems a bit new to have this problem but if it's being done under warranty, why not.
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