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Everything posted by trubmij

  1. Thanks for your comments Randombloke. I want to do a straight replacement, like for like, of the multi-line displays not upgrading, or downgrading. I did search the forum for answers to my questions without success, hence my post. My supplementary question came up after I spoke to a Citroen dealer after my first posting. Your reply does raise a question:- How do I merge the threads? I am a newbie to these forums. Thanks for your help and patience.
  2. Supplementary question please. I have been told that even if I change the display that I will have to have it programmed by a Citroen dealer with my vehicle's details. Surely it is only a display - or does have some form of intelligence? Does this apply only to brand new units of will it apply to second-hand ones too? I have given a Citroen part number for the item. It is 00006155V6 - can anyone confirm it is correct for this model please. Thanks.
  3. I have a 2002 2.2 HDI SX and the Multifunction LCD display is u/s. Only displays bottom half of screen. Bulbs OK. I bought a replacement off eBay but hadn't got my thinking head on at the time. The one I bought as a single line type off a C5 2.0 L HDI. So I am looking for one again. Prices on Breakerline are about £53 inc P&P and VAT, none available at present on eBay. Does anyone know if I could search for a compatible display from the Peugeot range too? IO so, what models/years etc. or even part numbers would be a bonus. Thanks.
  4. In France problems with 2002 C5 SX 2.2 HDI and local Citroen Garage has diagnosed I need a new FAP filter and ELOSYS refill. Price around €500 ie £400. How much would it be if I left it to return to UK? I have seen the computer diagnostics myself and that's what it says on the screen - seems dear but maybe cheaper than UK!
  5. Thanks for the reply. I guess it is not the fuse then as the cigar lighter socket works OK. I will have to investigate further when I have some time. How do I reply to/email you without posting my email address on the forum? I would be interested in the documet. Thanks for your reply. Kind regards.
  6. I have a 2002 C5 2.2 HDI SX and the 12-volt accessory socket, i.e. the one located on the console near the handbrake, does not now work. The Handbook says that it is the 20-amp fuse at position 7 in the fuseboard in the glovebox and that that is the only thing listed on this fuse. However, removing this fuse turns off the light in the glovebox. This fuse is OK so it is also the fuse for the accessory socket or is this somewhere else? Just want to know before I start digging further and taking the socket out and checking connections etc. Thanks!
  7. Thanks to both coastline taxis and seefive for their interest and help. Seems like an easy(ish) task. Seefive - I will check the bulbs but suspect it is a display problem and when unit is pressed the crystals do darken where the characters should be. Kind Regards
  8. New to Club. Did a search on forums but did not find any results but apologies if I missed something. The LCD display on my 2002 C5 2.2 HDI is not displaying the top of screen. Misses radio station names, can't set date/time, temperature options etc. But can see MPG, Miles to next fill etc. This was after a valet. I think the cleaner used some solvent or rubbed display too hard. Is it easy to remove the display and replace it as a DIY option without taking car apart. Is unit just a pug-in or does it require soldering or other technical interventions? If easy how do I do it? Thanks for any help.
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