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N Gibbs

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  1. Hi seem to have solved it brought a new radiator cap and it seems to be ok. Thank you all for your advice and help much appreciated
  2. Hi have been in contact with the person who did the head gasket for me and he told me the test they did on the water pump was to look for signs of leakage and to make sure it span freely. but I have been told if the impeller has broken off it could pass all these tests, so I am probally going to check the pump myself to see if it is broken. It does not quite get to the overheating light on but only because the fans keep it just underneath, but is has not been driven on more than 7 mile journeys since the head was done, and it still gets that hot.
  3. I am not running a thermostat have removed it to try and keep down the temp is better without but still gets hot when not moving or travelling at less than 30 mph.any idea how much a pressure test should be ?.
  4. Hi it does have aircon but it has never worked since I have had the car. The dual fans are working they come on when the car gets hot but the longer you are stopped the higher it rises even with the fans running.
  5. Yes it was all done correctly but it is still overheating without stat whenever it is not moving. dont want it to get hotter and blow the gasket again.
  6. Hi I am the ownre of a R reg Citroen Xsara 1.8 8v auto petrol. Recently it ran out of water due to a jubilee clip failure, it was not driven more than 2 miles but we do not know where in the journey it failed. It was allowed to cool repaired flushed refilled using all bleed screw points, and it started to overheat I have had the head gasket done, head skimmed, water pump checked, thermostat change, and the timming belt done. Drove it 3 miles today with no thermostat in it still got hot enough to need than fans to cool it down as soon as the fans stop it climbs up again. Any advice would be welcome as I have run out of ideas.
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