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  1. Hi, I have a ZX 1.9 TD Aura Estate. A few weeks ago I got stuck in a very deep puddle and the car got flooded a bit (as well as the engine but it survived okay). Ever since then all the lights keep flashing every now and again. I think they were doing it all Tuesday night as the battery was flat Thursday morning. I've recharged it but every time I connect it up the lights start flashing. I think this model had the alarm fitted but its been disabled in my car. I assume this is causing the problem as I can hear a relay clicking in the passenger footwell or seat which doesn't appear in tha Haynes manual. Can anyone tell me how the alarm is wired or give me a circuit diagram? I'm reluctant to go looking for the relay without knowing where it is.
  2. Do you know what the other ones are as well?
  3. I'm afraid I can't answer your question as I was looking for the same info although my problem is slightly different. I managed to flood my car and engine driving through what turned out to be a very deep puddle. Luckily the engine was fine but I think there's still some water in the circuits. One of the relays under the steering wheel keeps clicking at a fairly high freq even when the ignition is off and the car is locked. There's also a wee red led under the clock which is flashing at the same freq, its usually on all the time. I've tried pulling each fuse but they keep going. Most annoying but it doesn't seem to affect anything else. If I can identify the circuit hopefully we can trace the fault. Any help much appreciated! Thanks
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