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Everything posted by oxtobyd

  1. here's a good one. now its getting dark at night then needing the lights on to travel home. when i have the headlights on either with stalk set to auto or manual lights then sometimes the headlights will just go out, and the only way to get them back on is to flick the stack to another setting, it does this no matter is already on auto or manual setting on the stalk, anyone any ideas?? cheers
  2. Many thanks for that, always worth hearing someone's experience. i have changed the expansion tank cap for a new one, but its still blowing coolant, so i'm sure its probably the HG, though its not using a lot of water, but i guess with these sorts of problems they only get worse. can you let me have the details of your fathers garage in cambridge since i may go ahead with the HG work after checking with a pressure test just to make sure. cheers
  3. Hi there randombloke, can you suggest anyone Cambridge way? cheers
  4. i don't think so, i'm filling it to the mark. i've got a new cap today, so will let it cool down, do a few runs over the net few days and report back. also talked with Citroen dealership in Grantham today and the chief mechanic reckoned he had very few C5's with HG problems, and also reckoned a sniffer test on a C5 wouldn't work, but a pressure test would be better. so i'm more hopeful my HG is fine and its something minor. Cheers
  5. Thanks for that info, i'm going to get myself a new cap today, to try and rule that out, and then i'll get a sniff test done if still needed. good know the price isn't to high, since at around 550 then its still worth doing and keeping the C5, since its such a nice car to drive. i can't take it back to the seller, since it was a private sale, i could call round anyway and kick-up, but really not worth it i don't think, since i did get the car for a song. i'll try and cap and report back how it goes. thanks again all, for your help on this.
  6. i've seen the Steel Seal web site and wondered about this, how long did you run the Rover for before then taking it to the garage? since i guess its a short term fix?? cheers
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, what i've tried so far includes running the engine without the cap on to see if bubbles in the expansion tank, and nothing obvious. There no sludge under the oil filler cap, and the dip-stick oil looks good and black. The radiator looks fine, and i can't see any water leaks from under the car after been stood for a while (there's a small diesel leak, but i'm guessing not related, as i think this is coming from the fuel filter housing), and i can see marks of blown coolant from around the expansion tank area, so i'm narrowing it down to either filler cap or HG sucking in gas?? I'm going to move to Cambridge at the end of this week, so any ideas on good garages there? i think maybe worth trying a new expansion cap
  8. Hi, following on from an earlier post about loosing coolant, then it looks like it blowing it out of the cap to the expansion tank, which therefore i'm guessing is down to the head gasket leaking and sucking in gases. Grrrr what do you think about 1) could this be caused by anything else other than a blown Head Gasket 2) if it is a blow HG then what do people think would be the cost to repair cheers i'm so disappointed since i've had the car less than 2 weeks, and i can't return as it was a private sale.
  9. hi andy its http://service.citroen.com/ where i created an account and it lets me see the parts list and exploded diagrams with part numbers etc, so pretty good for the basic, and it looks like you can also get access to technical docs if you pay a small fee. hope it helps
  10. cheers for that, is the sensor something i can check for myself? and where would i locate it? i'll check for bubbles when it stops pouring it down with rain :-) cheers edit: now its stopped raining, checked for bubbles and none... phew! also logged into the citreon service site and found which is the level sensor and i'm going to rule that out for now since i've just added a bit more coolant (even though to me it looks pretty full) but thought i'd add a bit more and i'll see how we go.
  11. Ok, working through little problems with the C5 i picked up the other day (managed to fix a wobbly seat with a bit of drilling and new nuts/bolts) anyway. When i turn ignition on i see the message "Top Up Engine Coolant Level" but this soon goes, and temperature gauge sits at around 1/3 to 1/2 during runs. i've checked the coolant level (under the bonnet, left hand side, near the back) and it all looks fine, was surprised how pressurised it was though (lots of hissing noise when taking cap off) is this a normal message, any hints on fixes? cheers David
  12. Ooops, so sorry should have done a simple search, never even gave it a thought. did look at the links you kindly provided, and i reckon the first thing to look at is the balance, since this seems to be a common problem. many thanks David
  13. Hi, just picked up a 2002 C5 2.0 HDi and took it for a run on the A1 today and noticed at between 65-75 (ish) there's a sort of judder feel from under the drivers seat (so i'm guessing the front end) but below that speed nothing, and above 75 also seemed ok (but hard to tell, as not wanting to break the speed limit for to long) there's no judder under breaking, so i'm guessing balancing maybe off, whats your thoughts?? thanks, and btw loving the car so far, only a few minor niggles to sort out. cheers
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