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New Citroen Owner

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  1. Well I got my car back on Saturday!!! And every time the heavy rain stopped I went out to check for a swimming pool in the sump. And fingers crossed it is sorted now.
  2. Should get the car back tonight!!! Or the weekednd!!! I will be testing it by spraying the arch with LOADS of water when I get it back!!!
  3. I took my car into the garage and they have told me that it is due to a fault with a air flap in the boot that isn't closing proberly!!!!!!! Has anyone else been told this!?!?!? I just want to make sure that they aren't trying to bull sh#t me!!!
  4. I have been told that it is coming in from the wheel arch!!! And that it is a gromit missing/lose!!!!!
  5. I have just bought a Citroen C4 on a 55 Plate 1.4 Petrol!!! I have noticed that when it rains water is getting in the spare wheel Sump!!! The carpet in the boot is bone dry!!! Before I take it to a garage and let them look at it and tell me the problem I thought I would ask on this site to see if anyone else has had this problem!!! Or knows about it!!! Your help would be appreciated. Thank You Alun
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