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Everything posted by Anthonyric

  1. Hi guys I have recently purchased a recon trubo. Reason smoking exhaust... The ref No matched exactly on the turbo housing. On having fitted the turbo by a machanic he found that the bottom connecting I believe Oli return pipe fitting was not exactly the same. On the orinanal one the tube has a alan key 11mm I believe fitting ( not sure if this would be a screw fitting or a pressed in connection hense the alan key ?) The New re con turbo Had a flat flange where a fitting connects by the means of two 10mm bolts this was connected allowing the rubber tube to be connected. The waste gate valve/ Diafram was also changed as the re com arrived with the plastic pipe from the waste valve broken so the waste gate was changed over by the machanic. The turbo has been now been fitted but wers/ wistles as turbs sometimes do. The old turbo did not make this noise? I have also changed the rubber pipe which connects from the turbo housing via a rubber pipe perhsaps 50mm diamiter which has a smaller rubber pipe of apprx 25mm. But Im still hearing the same whistling noise. Im obviously awear that a faulty turbo can damage an engine so im looking for some expert advise if. i can return the turbo as it was purchased with a warranty the trouble is I live in spain A brand new turbo costs out @ €1300 + and then slap on the 21% iva. Would appriciate any feed back Many thanks for taking time to view this post Regards Anthony
  2. Hi there I wounder if any one can help me here I have a cetroen C3 1.4 Hdi I havd a new stater motor fitted a while ago as the old one was not engaging. I now have another problem in which the car will just die on me when driving. It was statring badly I thought it may be bad fuel at first as if I pumped the diesel pump ball to purge more fuel it seemed to start. I also have the orange engine management light which stays on now. I dont know if the battery would cause something like this? I have just been for a drive and it seem also that the car will not rev over 3000 Revs but when driving the car it seemed all ok? any suggestions anyone Many thanks Regards Anthony
  3. Unfortunately we have done this several times asked to speak to some one higher up ... until we are blue in the face. Now the warranty period has lapsed and not only that WE ARE IN SPAIN where manana is part of the alphabet A friend of my girlfriend`s brother ..A marine mechanic mentioned it could be something to do with something to do with the crank? The symptom is like the engine looses all power completely cuts out. It is like the ignition is switched off for a split second and then switches back on again it can do it once twice three times then rights its self. It does it when the engine is warm or cold different revolutions does not effect it either? Grateful for Any other ideas . Regards Anthony
  4. Greetings to all, Hi there, I am all new to this forum thing so bear with me :) I am writing in to ask if any one has come across this problem. My girl friend has a C3 1400 diesel. The problem which accrues is the car cuts out when driving it, when this happens the battery light goes off also, then instantly it corrects its self. It feels like for a split second the ignition is returned off then turned back on again and obviously the car Judders for that split second/s We have taken the car back to Citroen but as always the problem never appears while the mechanic is driving it. We have evan left the car with them for over a week and asked them to use the car but they always say they cannot find anything wrong with it....Which is quite strange and very frustrating. It is like? the car misses I have tried driving and holding the car at different revolutions but this does not cause the problem. I made sure the battery terminals were nice and clean also. I would be very grateful if any one has any incite into on our little problem many thanks Anthony. we live in spain C3 help
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