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Everything posted by lelik

  1. Alpine, niice :unsure: By the way, the color I have is called "Lucifer red". Also, I have the stripped down model, its a leased car I got from my work, so I guess I should be grateful cuz its free. One thing though, I do not have a cigarette lighter in the carm just a 12v socket. I would rather have the cigarette lighter than the cruise control which I never use.
  2. Thanks for the reply Wozza! Nice forum you got here. I tend to disagree. The rear door speakers are just behind the front seats. They will give out a good boost in bass that way. What do you think? Where can I find out? Should i just take the door apart and find out for myself? :rolleyes: It's so damn tedious! why couldn't they make the speaker grill detachable. :unsure: I would go for a pair of 6*9 on the rear tray, but this is a leased car and unfortunately there is a limit to how much I can ruin it :blink:
  3. First off, you need that special star shaped screwdriver. I had to take the entire door panel out ( 4 screws + window controls + door handle plastic rim ) Then I had to cut the back of the plastic housing inside the door, where the speaker rests. Then I had to glue the tweeter to the small grill type thingie where the original tweeter was, using hot cilicone glue (the ones with the sticks and the gun). I put the component box under the dash near the fusebox. I wanted at first to tap into the original speaker wiring, but eventually i just connected the wiring to the plug which goes to the head unit. It was a bitch passing all the wires through the holes in the door though, they did not leave much room for anything over there. I had to take out some of the plastic on the bottom left of the driver's seat, in order to successfuly put the wires through. The reason why I'm asking what size speakers go for the rear, is because I do not want to take the rear door panel apart, just to find out which speakers I need to order. I want to order the speakers, and then take the panel apart. With the components I put in front, I had little choice, because I already had those speakers in my possesion. I was lucky I guess. I read that the picasso has different speaker sizes in front and rear, that's why I'm a bit paranoid. By the way, can someone recommend a good set of 6.5" speakers for the rear? just regular 2-way , not component. I was thinking FLI, or maybe Cerwin Vega
  4. lelik

    My Vts

    Thats a nice vts! It's funny, but now I realize why citroen has put the main lcd panel in the middle of the car... I think they did it in order to make it easier for them to make models for the UK with the driver on the right.
  5. Hello, I'm new to this forum Just got my C4 last week. Already fitted two FLI Audio 6.5" component speakers to the front, with a Clarion head unit. my iPod is connected to the head unit's auxilary. Also I hooked it up to a plastic holder and attached it to one of the AC vents. The iPod looks as if it belongs there. My question is as follows. What size speakers can I fit in the back? I fit the 6.5" to the front, but I had to cut the cone of the plastic speaker housing, because the magnet of the speaker was too big to fit in there. The original speakers that came with the car are a joke ofcourse. Their magnet was small enough to fit in there :angry: So any help would be appreciated. By the way "FLI" rule! the sound is so clean and the treble does not hurt the ear.
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